978 19 29

𝙸 𝚌𝚊𝚗'𝚝 𝚔𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚑𝚎𝚛.

𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟺 -- 𝙸 𝚑𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚌𝚎.

tw - hating body (forgot the term for it im sorry)


I lay down in bed, looking up at the ceiling. I'm at my apartment, not at the pizzeria. Sometimes I feel like I'm homeless but realized I live somewhere, so I'm fine.

I think of Glitch Traps' words. 'Kill her.', 'Kill her.', 'Kill her.'. I don't want to kill her though. I just have this feeling, this thought, maybe I shouldn't do what he says this time. What am I even thinking- I need to kill her? No! She already told the police probably, it's probably not over the news of what happened, but it probably got speculated for it to now be out. A 'white rabbit' killed a little boy named Elijah. This is so bad...

Well, since I somehow can't kill her, what can I do? It's pointless now. I'll leave it be, I guess. I'll just get a new target from Glitch Trap and if she spots me again, I'll just tell her not to tell anyone. Yeah. That might be what I do. I'll just tell her not to tell anyone and I won't need to kill her.

I look at the time and it reads 11:38 PM. Maybe a gas station is open at this time, I'm hungry and I want something to eat. I roll out of bed, go to the bathroom and look in the mirror. I should probably brush my hair and change my clothes.

I take a hold of the brush on the sink, brushing my hair softly. I don't want it to hurt, and my brush doesn't really have soft ends. Once I thought it was good enough, I put the hair brush down and exit the bathroom. I walked towards my closet and search for clothes to change into. I caught a glimpse of the mirror and stared. I hated how I looked. I don't like how my stomach is slightly out, how big my thighs are, and my face. I just wish I looked at least a bit better.

I change into a dark grey turtleneck long sleeved sweater and some dark grey sweatpants. I know, very comfy. I walked back towards my bed and kneel down, putting my hand under my bed. After searching for a second, I found it. I pulled it out and there was this locked box. I pick at the side, and it opens. There was money in there. I smiled, taking at least 10 dollars and two quarters, gas stations are low priced here. I close the box and shove it back under my bed where it won't be seen and get back up, exiting my room.

I put on my shoes and exit the dorm, locking it and putting my key in a secret pocket these pants had. Surprisingly, these pants had secret pockets behind the actual pocket. There's a hidden zipper as well, so at least I won't get pick-pocketed so easily. I walk down the hallway and into the elevator, pressing the lobby button. I cross my arms and wait.

The elevator opens and I walk out, leaving the building and walking down the sidewalk. At least it's a 5-minute walk, I don't want it to be a 20 minute one. I speed walked to the gas station, as I don't really like being outside in the dark, but at least nobody was following me. I felt a bit safer then.

I felt a lot safer once I got inside the gas station. I looked around and walked down the aisles, looking for something interesting to eat. I found Pop Corners, which are this kettle-corn flavored popcorn which are shaped in triangles, kind of like Doritos. I took two bags of it and walked up to the cashier. The cashier didn't greet me or anything and just scanned the items I took. I wanted a drink, so I said I'll be right back, and I walked towards the freezers or whatever they're called. I paced around, until I find water and I took that. I walked back and the cashier scanned it.

'4.57 please.'

I gave them the 10 dollars I had, taking my items and waiting for them to give me cash back. He gives me one dollar and 25 cents back, as I place the money in my pocket. He gets a bag and place the snacks in it along with the water. I take the bag, say thank you, and make my way back to my apartment.

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