High School is Tough

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So I'm a typical 8th grader. Broke, few friends, not an easy life. I had to hussel to go to school litteraly. But i found certain things easier to do than others. For example going on my laptop and scrolling through Ig was easier than doing workouts. As time went on I found myself at home 24/7 on my laptop with a productivity rate of 1%.

My only friend had moved away leaving me alone. She was the social Butterfly between us. Me more of an anti-social moth. And if Im being Honest, I hated her for moving. I knew she wouldn't have problems making friends. While me on the other hand...well I cant' say the same for my self. During Primary I had these friends, Monde, Ntando & Benjamin. They were my life line. But due to financial problems, in Gr6 I was kicked out of school.

So on the last day i took my friends (that knew their 10's by head) numbers and this list of friends just so happend Monde was on that list. Fast-Forward to 2021. So I went onto Whatsapp and texted Monde. Everything was going well. So we continued texting like that almost every other day. Cool. One day I texted him and he's all like "Don't text me anymore" so I asked him why. And he said "Because the girl I like thinks you're my girlfriend". Okayyyyyy. So I'm confused because him and I had a reputation of being called siblings so I asked "Why not just say I'm your sister" he said " No just don't text me" "ok".

So this took place in about Jan-Feb. He broke off the Friendship in Around April. Long story short I was a mess. Crying everyday, not caring about my hygiene so-on and so forth. For a MONTH. My mother eventually said "Owami get over him, he isn't worth it" and I thought She's right he lost me not the other way around "Okay mom" I went to go take a shower. And came out feeling like...like...a million bucks!

*Time skip to 2022*

The year rolled around pretty quickly. My High School expirance was fucking shitty. (Not only that but I'm in eighth grade). YEP first year in HS and I'm already planning my funeral. My first 2 Terms I was in a place we're gonna call SC High. And the Director was not only illegally in the Country but a dirty SCAMMING INSIGNIFICANT PIECE OF SHIT. Is that a lil harsh? No not at all. Why? 'Cause it's the truth. The moment I walked through the gate I knew it would be Hell on Earth. Only plus was...was...was...nope there was nothing good about. I had no real friends, I was the only 8th grader, my class was the size of a storage closet, everyone was a bully. Yeah that's about it. Oh did I mention I was broke? I did. Well not enough I guess. I was broke, broken all of that, that was me not to mention self image issues. But yeah that was me at the moment.


If you want part 2 pls comment what you thought, vote and recomend to others. Love yourself , appreciate your family.

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