Black~Out Part 2

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Now as I said in the last chapter, "Black Out" also describes my country. Lemme explain. 


See I grew up in a not so lovely country called South "Grendblin. And I know. Perhaps you think I'm hating on my own country for no reason.....Hating on it yes. For no reason OFCOURSE NOT. There are plenty of reasons. 1 There is ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS Black Outs. 2 The government doesn't care about the state of the country. Honestly I can go on and on. But I won't cause I'm feelin' kind today. 

And if you honest to God think I'm lying....Well one ouch and two ask anyone from here. Like , if I'm being honest. It's shocking when we don't get a B~O warning/notification. Yeah, It happens that often. This month alone we've had black~outs at least 20 times if not more

Yeah I needed something to lighten my mood honestly but uhm yeah. So the videos is essintially the whole idea of it so :)

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