My life currently

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I personally don't have a great relationship with my emotions. It's not that I can't experience emotions it's far from that. It's just that I can't control them as well as I would like to. My mother says it's  because I'm woman and women are emotional beings. Which in turn made me think that men don't experience emotions like women do. They experience it ye.

I'm finally 15 so uhm, that's gud... I think. Also I would like to say how bad High School Musical lied to me. Like, High School is nothing like I thought it would be. ESPECIALLY MY CLASS. Grade 9C. worst class in the whole school easily. Don't get me wrong there are some good people in my class but, jeez the others ...

I won't lie the only reason I'm updating this is cause of a friend in my class, so shout to you Izzy❤️.

But keeping it real High School Musical seriously overhyped High School like no-ones business

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2023 ⏰

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