Time to talk about my crush

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Ok, so I have said I have a crush. So today that's who I'm talking about. I first "met" him when I moved into my new school. I put "met" like that because I've never actually spoke to him. Pretty sad right? I've kind of stalked him for around 6\5 months on Insta. I know it's pathetic but hey at least I don't do drugs right😞😞. I know I know jeez don't come at me plz.

My biggest fear currently is the fact that his friend is my frenemy and knows my account. His friend is very competitive. Don't get me wrong I tried not liking this boy but the heart wants wants with the heart wants. School is already stressful as hell so adding on top of that a crush...GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH*inhale* *exhale* ok but still like I don't even know what is fueling this crush I don't talk to him so...? It doesn't make sense so why.

Please don't tell me I'm the only one who's had this kind of crush. Because honestly it sucks, liking someone you know doesn't like you back, trying everything in your power NOT to like them but nothing works. It's tough  to say the least. I need tips on how to "disengage" my crush.

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