My life story (Probably prt1)

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This is high-key crack I wrote cause...why not? I hope you enjoy this


Okay. Living here has never been my cup of tea. But. Suprisingly I made it. My first years were spent in CPT subarbs. And living there meant automatically being fluent in Afrikaans and in English. Now moving to SBK was....terrifying I was leaving EVERYTHING I KNEW ABOUT THE WORLD AND MOVING TO SOMEWHERE NEW. But it wasn't that bad. I moved because my Grandma was sick very, very, very, VERY, sick. So my mom packed our shit up and moved us. I lived with my 3 of my cousins, a kid who couldn't afford school fees, my mom, my aunt, and my grandma. IT. WAS.A.3.ROOM.HOUSE. VERY SMALL. But we got passed it, that's why I'm writing this.

And trust me it was far from easy. Because at 3 years old most girls are focused on Barbie, and Frozen and other nonsense. But me. OH HONEY. I was far from "normal". By 4 my I had a FAVEOURITE SERIAL KILLER. KILLER. I was (and still am not) not mentally stable. But we got passed that. Music and performing became an outlet for my emotions. Singing slowly became my passion and for me it meant not focusing on killing my cousin Joy. At 30 years old my mom fell pregnant again. Which meant for me meant a younger sibling. I was only 4 but I swore to my self I would be a good older sister. At 14 years old and my little brother being 10 I'd say I'm doing a pretty good (Demon on my shoulder agreeing. After convincing me to throw a *cold* Hot Water Bottle at my younger brother's head). Now don't get me wrong he deserved it.

Right now my whole life is just messed up. But Imma pull through I mean I always do.


Sorry this what or HOW I usually post I-I just felt like I should switch things up a lil bit. I will PROBABLY continue my regular Diary updates with the ones like this 'cause............WHY NOT. 'Cause even I need a break here and there so uhm yeah. Enjoy your Day?Night? Idk just don't come after me.

LOVE yuh

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