Anxiety, Depression and little something Else

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Living is not as easy as...anyone would want it to be. Sure money helps things be a little bit  easier. If life was all "Peaches and Cream" I wouldn't be here righting this chapter right now. The whole reason this book exists is for me to offload random shit about me. Pathetic? Maybe just a little bit. 

But then again being the friend who essentially has no social life except one person, and who is essentially a groundhog and comes out once every 3 months. You don't really, know.  Your whole life is Social Media, You're essentially depressed but won't tell anyone cause they'll think you're clout chasing, the only reason you're still living is well you're the only one who knows your own reason that your still alive. But it's tough being alive. 

I'm (most likely) not gonna end my life, but in doing so I'm also making myself a target for Lady Luck's wrath. So I just can' Fucking win! Having a friend like Tasha makes your self-esteem drop like below 0. Yeah but it also teaches you a lot of things. I can't name anything off the top of my head but still. 

I was feeling like, on a scale from 1-10. 5. Yeah a 5 and that was fine. Everything went South because not only do I not have a school to go to when schools re-open (2morrow). My younger brother has a school to go to, his dad pays child support in other words he the opposite of me and well just yeah. 

But today I noticed something on Tasha. She had scars on her wrist. And when I asked her when are they from she told me they where from 2021. I thought about it and I realised things also went bad for her, but after that things got better. I had a "phase" but it was long ago and thins didn't get any better. As a matter of fact they got ten times worse. My pillow was my bestfriend, Tears where a regular visitor and silence was the word you would have  used to describe my personality. And in retrospect nothing has changed. 

I can truly tell what I have is Anxiety, Depression and a little something Else.

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