Social Media

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This morning I woke up feeling like...shit. Yeah. Mainly because of Satan's Sacrifical Waterfall but also because I checked my social media. And I thought to myself 'Why are you checking what others are doing in their lives even though you're always complaining on not having one?'. I went blank for about 10 minutes, but it had me wondering 'why am I doing this, why does anyone do this?'. People are so self consious nowadays and yet (some not all) still go onto social media and follow people who live up to Societies expectations. Sure you'll say it's because their, those peoples role models. But that's not the case. A role model is someone who inspires you to do better yourself. The people I'm talking about see their role models, look in the mirror, and recoil because, they don't look like their "role models".

Honestly it disgusts me. Because not only does society turn a blind eye to it. They promote the Standards! Why for sales and other nonsense I don't quite understand. Social Media could easily be one of the worlds biggest killers, and no-one would give fuck. Why. Because it's a money maker. 

After blanking this morning I went, did my morning routine. Went back to my room and read a little on Wattpad. Honestly it's my routine. Wake up, Wash up, Get on my laptop. Sad? Maybe. Any-who. Back to my opinion on S.M. (NOT THE COMPANY). It's sad because even though people practically follow everything on socials. When really those people have their own life, their own problems, and yet people worship them as idols. Sure I may be a hypocrete for saying all of this but still.  Some people rely to much on people they don't know or can't trust.

It's sad

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