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That's the one word to describe me (not literally) and my country (literally doesn't describe how literal). Let's start with how my life is blackouts. I had this friend we'll call her "Tasha". Now Tasha was or rather is a social Butterfly. She was kind, pretty, funny, essentially she was "A That". Me on the other hand like I said in the previous chapter, I am a social moth. Not exactly pretty, anti-social, doesn't know how to talk to people, stays up till 5am reading on Wattpad, watching Youtube, and crying. Yeah I know it's sad. 

But Tasha never once lost hope on me. She tried introducing me to her friends. Bringing me to parties, events and shit like that. But like I said I'm a social moth. Not to mention Tasha was one of those privelaged kids. Rich, had every thing she wanted at the snap of a finger. Me........not so much. My parents were seperated, my dad was an asshole who as much was loaded never even payed child support. 

Actually you might be wondering how me and Tasha BECAME friends in the first place. Well our grandmothers were and still are really good friends. And I had just moved from CPT to GP. So automatically I was friendless. So when my grandma said she was going out I went with her. So we walked to the place and we got there (it was like a 5 min walk). So I met Tasha their and we didn't rlly talk. So when me and my Granny had to leave her Granny said they should walk us up to the nearby Tuckshop or Spaza. So me and Tasha were small and we passed this house that had like a ditch in front of it and Tasha fell in the ditch (It wasn't deep don't worry). So I helped her out of it and we started talking about random stuff ( My little Pony, Littlest Petshop y'know) so we actually had a LOT in common. Cool. So i got back home and told my mom about and she was like "Oh that's nice what's her name" and I zoned out before realising....I didn't know or rather remember her name. So obvi I felt terribel so on my (then very short) legs ran to my grandmothers room and ask to visit the them the next day.

So we went and I again forgot to ask Tasha's name. This went on till the next week. Don't worry I eventually got her name. She and I have been friend for GAH 10...10...yeah 10 years yeah. But now Like I said she isn't the Tasha I know like, I know People change once High School hits but, it still hurts. I don't know maybe I'm in the wrong for caring so much but....IT HURTS. Having your Bestfriend leave you is sad depressing even. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Ever since she left I've been thinking to actually make friends. But as we all know that's easier said that done. 

So school was my only Friend making option. Oh yeah I didn't mention that there was a 50/50 chance of me actually having a school to go to. Yep I have (to date) been kicked out of to schools. And the school my mom wants me to attend has one enemy attends there. So yeah. I mean don't get me wrong it's a great school. Its just I mean who wants to attend with their enemy?! I mean its Fucked ( Not more than the school system here but...). So yeah. And dropping out isn't an opption. so hehehe. Yeah. 


Check out this song im just really feeling myself when it comes on

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