Source: Trust Me Bro

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Louise's POV:

As I walked through the chilly late night April air, my mind was buzzing.

Why would I tell him my name??!!! AND MY AGE?!!!

And why did I have fun talking to him??

And why was I so damn mean to him?!

I mean whatever it's not like I'll talk to him again, except for maybe tomorrow.

I unlocked my door and walked past the half eaten pancake on my counter.

Sighing and cold, I crawled into my bed and dreamed of nothing except the cheap candles wrapped in a napkin that told me I was now 22.

April 13th - 6:03 pm

Now was I maybe a little bit excited to chat with this Wilbur guy? Ok yeah, but only like a tiny bit.

I don't talk to many people and the amount of sarcastic side remarks filling up inside of me have to be released somehow right??

I loaded up minecraft and did some random building and patch up work as I waited for this Wilbur guy to join.

10 minutes had past and there was no sign of him joining.

My shoulder slumped down in defeat.

I watched as a computer nearby was turned on by another person and my acceptance only settled in more.

I somehow got stood up by a stranger through a game of minecraft.

I mean it could have been worse but it still sucked, how would I tell my future children that my first real social interaction was through minecraft and that it lasted less than a day.

Suddenly the chat lit up.

WilburSoot Has Joined The Game

I couldn't help but smile and immediately try to cover it with my hand.

Long time no see Miss Louise

Oh god you're back

I know I know, I seem to have that terribly negative affect on people. Now I have an odd question for you.

I would respond and say, "I have an answer for you" but I do slightly enjoy torturing you so we'll see.

Do you have brown hair?

Depends, are you into murdering people? Personally, that sounds kinda hot but at the same time I'm just not mentally in the right headspace to be killed yet you know?

No I'm not into murdering people Louise. I'm starting to wonder if you need severe help


HHAHAHA, but come on I need you to answer, I swear I'm not a murderer.

Source: Trust me bro
Anyways yes I do have brown hair.

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