
75 4 28

TW: Lava, screams, death, blood, cussing
(Not just for this chapter for the rest of the book)


Tommyinnit POV:




I open my eyes to see Ghostbur above me, shaking my shoulders as his tears burn his cheeks

When he noticed I was awake he hugged me and I could feel his tears touch and burn my cheeks

Why did they burn...that wasn't supposed to happen

I tried to sit up off the couch but my wrists ached and stung with pain, not just my wrists-my everything. I tried to lie back to the couch but the momentum sent me falling off the couch and on the ground, everything hurt so bad.
I closed my eyes trying to remember what happened before I was...asleep?

Ghostbur helped me to a pillow and I sat on the floor trying to figure out where we were

I noticed 3 other people-2 in the room over and one by the furnace in the corner. I knew who they were I just...didn't?

I recognize them but I forget their personality, name, and relationship to me-basically everything except what they look like.

Tubbo POV:

I was shaking.

I was crying.

I was having a panic attack.

All I could think about was Tommy

He had been unconscious for 2 weeks now and everyone was worried.

Almost everyone.

Dream was tied up outside and wouldn't. Stop. Laughing.

Ranboo had to hold me down when Sam first told us what happened

If anyone deserved to die it was Dream.
He'd manipulated all of us and didn't get any form of punishment

Sam said he'll go to jail-but for the wrong thing
Don't get me wrong, Tommy's death wasn't gonna be for nothing and Sam knows that but he also knew Tommy was manipulated and did nothing about it

It was infuriating

Anyways, I heard Ghostbur talk and I assumed it was Techno he was talking to but his voice was too...welcoming.

Ghostbur hated Technoblade and they were always arguing-it was getting really annoying

"Tubbo" Ranboo said, a hint of surprise in his voice.

I didn't reply.

"Tubbo!" Ranboo said with more urgency

He shook my shoulder and some of my tears fell off my face and hit his arm

He cringed as the pain stabbed at the place the tears hit him.

He sighed and stood up
He picked me up bridal style and took me to Ghostbur.

I was still bawling my eyes out when I heard another voice.

The voice was younger than Ghostbur and more concerned.

It was so familiar I started to cry harder when I realized who it was.



Did u like this chapter :D

It's longer than my others

Not really

Luv u <3

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