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Hi this is the drawing I drew :]
It's my Elizabeth Afton design
I also made Michael but that drawing looks terrible agaghsgshshhjshdhhcyudusj

TW: Lava, screams, death, blood, cussing
(Not just for this chapter for the rest of the book)

Ranboo POV:
"Techno are you ready?" Tommy yelled
We had been waiting for 20 minutes now and Tommy and Tubbo were getting impatient

"man can u just stfu for once??" Techno mumbled as he walked down the stairs

5 minutes later we were outside of Techno's house and in the snow.

I hate snow.

It's just like water.

I also hate water.

Water and snow are both wet.
At least I think water is wet...

Anyways when either of them touch me it's burns and stings really bad. Tubbo says it's cuz I'm an enderman which makes the most sense i guess.

I hope we don't have to fight anyone cuz that would open more chances for snow to fall in my boots.

I look around our "crew" and see that Ghostbur is floating, also avoiding the snow cuz it hurts him too

I see Tommy complaining cuz he has to wear snow boots like me

I see Tubbo asking Tommy for permission to kill Dream.

And I see Techno who's ready to kick the ass of whoever tries to mess with us.

I sigh of relief realizing if we did have to fight Techno would take care of it.

Tommy POV:
I have no idea where we are but I'll pretend I do.

We exit the building Ranboo calls 'Techno's house' and I grumble about having to wear stupid snow boots.
I wanted to show Tubbo I could stand in snow fine but he insisted I'd get hurt and made me wear these stupid boots.

I'm not a child and I can do things by myself but Tubbo thinks he needs to take care of me cuz I apparently died??
lol they need new and better jokes

If I died how am I alive. Or at least conscious. Sentient??
Haha just kidding
I know I'm fully alive

Anyways I look back over to Tubbo, who's rambling about how he'd kill Dream if he was here right now.

I laugh as he makes ambitious hand motions and then stops.
"What's up Tubbo? Why'd u stop?" I ask
Tubbo points behind me and I turn and see two people; one face planted in the snow and one practically dying of laughter.
Tubbo gets everyone's attention and we head over to the pair.
The closet we get the more we can hear, we hear the one standing laugh and wheeze like he can't stop and the one in the snow sounds like she's ugly crying but really muffled.

We walk closer to them and I get a closer look.
I see the one in the snow has purple hair with black bangs and tan skin. She's wearing a black and white cardigan with a black pleated skirt. She has black platform boots on, like the ones Ranboo has.
The one dying of laughter has short brown hair like Tubbo and is wearing a white shirt with a yellow jacket and yellow shorts. They have white sneakers with yellow bows and a big bow on their back.

The purple hair girl has been in the snow for a while now.

Is she ok??

We walk towards them and tap on the shoulder of the one who's laughing.
"AGHSHHSJAK!!" He practically jumps to Mars.
We can hear muffled snickering from the one in the snow.

Ghostbur starts "Hey are you guys ok? You look kinda lost and she looks..."
"Cold." The Tubbo-look-a-like says

"Help me up Love"
Tubbo-look-a-like grabs the one in the snow's arm and pulls her to her feet and we can see her face covered in snow.
She sneezes and the snow falls off
I can hear Tubbo and his look-a-like snickering

"Ok what is the deal? Why do you look like Tubbo?" I point to Tubbo's look-a-like.
"That's YourfriendRio. He's my sister." Tubbo says smiling with an arm around Rio's shoulder.

"That's Z." Rio says pointing to his purple haired friend.
"Ok..Why are you here?" Technoblade says with a hint of annoyance in his voice like he hates children.

"OMG IS THAT GHOSTBUR" Z shrieks and runs over to Ghostbur hugging him and almost making him fall into the snow-she's careful not to let him fall though. Must already know how cold the snow is

"what is going on" I hear Ranboo mutter

"OMG GHOSTBUR ILYSM UR SO SWEET ILYY" Z stops hugging Ghostbur and smiles broadly at him.
Ghostbur laughs hesitantly then stares at me with a look of confusion on his face.




"Are you guys lost?" I finally say
"Yea we're looking for a Bob Evans. We're going on a Platonic Pancake Date!" Z says cheerfully even though they're lost with no sense of direction whatsoever.

"I think there is one if you head east then turn left" Techno says.
"Ok thank you bye everyone!!" Rio shouts as he grabs Z's hand and swings it while they walk away.

"They were certainly something." Ghostbur mutters after what feels like years of an awkward silence.
I'm so fricken tired it's 1am and I just really wanted to write this lol

Anyways ily all
Bye my loves
And bye Love <3

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