water and mexican food - friends and enemies part 2

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So like I barely know any lore this is all I remember, correct or not
So it's an AU I guess?
Also this will probably be angsty.
anyways hope u like this chapter
I think this 'friends and enemies' thing will be more than 3 chapters :^ lol
Anyways enjoy ily all :D
TW: Lava, screams, death, blood, cussing, burning
(Not just for this chapter for the rest of the book)
Tommy POV:
"Dream-" George says
I know he says more but I can't hear it.
Everyone turns into black shadows and I can't hear them anymore.

I look around and see everything fading.
Everything except a building
The building has a name

The..The Community House.?

Everything flashes and I squint to avoid the pain.
When the flashing stops I see Dream, George, Sapnap and two others building up the community house.
I see people come, and I see some people leave, I see some people ruin the house, and I see the ones who are left to fix it.

I see Dream come in and blow up the house.
I see him come back and frame me for it.
I remember everything that happened.
All the dumb shit Dream did
Some of the dumb shit Dream did

"TOMMY" I hear someone call
I feel a hand on my shoulder and another hand on my head
Suddenly I fall, like the hands pushed me
I close my eyes bracing for impact and instead...
I see Tubbo.

Tubbo POV:
"TOMMY" I yell almost in tears
I put a hand on his shoulder firmly and squeeze it trying to bring him back.
I start crying.

"Come on Tubbo.-"
Ranboo come near me and tries to pick me up
"NO LEAVE ME ALONE" I hissed and scratch at him
(Is tubbo beeboy or a catboy??)

I see him silently gasp then back away with a clouded look on his face like he's blinking back tears.
I look back at Tommy and put my hand on his head and shake it a bit.

I see his eyes squeeze then he gasps and sits up with a shocked face
"TOMMY!!" I scream again and tackle him crying
I can see my tears burning him, so I back away careful not to hurt him
He sits up and looks at me

"Where is Dream?"
"Tommy-Dream is bad person, he manipulates people and hurts them. For goodness sake he kille-"
Ghostbur started but then saw Techno glare at him so he quickly shut his mouth

"Dream killed what?" Tommy asked clearly not getting it
"H-He killed...um..god damnit Ghostbur..he kill-ed..um...TECHNO'S PET!! Yes, he killed Techno's pet rabbit named..Mexican..Food." I stammered mentally slapping myself in the forehead.

"How much of a good meal-I MEAN PET-Mexican Food was.." Techno snickered
Tommy looked confused but shrugged it off and believed us.

3rd person POV:
Meanwhile, George stood by The Community House's entrance waiting for them to stop talking so he could go back home and sleep.

Tommy POV:
"Poor Mexican Food..." I say sadly though I know Techno never had a bunny named Mexican Food.
He had a chicken named Mexican Food that Dream killed, thinking it was actual Mexican Food for Mexican Dream's restaurant called Mexican Shit.

Anyways enough about Mexican Food
(I love Mexican food D':)

"I..think I remember some things." I say looking at George who's by the courthouse
He meets my eyes but then looks away and into the lake around the house.

"What do you remember?" Techno asks while pulling out a book and quill.
"Um..mostly stuff about the community house..Dream, Sapnap, George and..two other people creating and-er-building..The Community House..Dream blaming me for blowing up the building..and.." I stop muttering and stare at George

Everything fades to black again but George stays in color.
Too bad he's colorblind.
Wait how do I know that?

Suddenly George fades and I see the bright flashing again.
When the flashing stops I see..a wedding chapel?
Dream and Fundy are getting married I think..
I see George object their marriage and take Dream
Then the flashing starts again

It's stops and I see a lot of other DNF moments.
My eyes burn.
Gay people yk??

Anyways I even see moments I didn't witness
Like George visiting Dream in the prison
Dream giving George flowers
Dream and George creating blobs and hiding them places
George and Dream with Patches
And after all the scenes fade I blink and see everyone staring at me.

"Well?" George asks
He's infront of me now
"uh..uhm..I also saw...Dream and..Geo-rge.." I muttered crossing my arms and kicking at the pavement

"Good. Well atleast we know you can get your memories back by coming to these places and people, so be ready for more blackouts, guys." Techno stated, slamming his book shut and scaring Tubbo who fell into the water.

I rushed to help him but Ghostbur pulled me back
"Hey! Tommy the water will hurt you!"
"No it won't!!" I struggled and managed to get free
Tubbo was at the top of the water completely fine but struggling to climb the two-block-thick bridge.
I got on my knees and crawled to the edge of bridge.
I reached my right arm into the water but felt a pain shoot through my skin and felt my arm burning like it was dipped in acid.

The pain stabbed at my arm and I quickly took it out of the water and scrambled to the middle of the bridge by Ghostbur's feet.

He grabbed my left arm and pulled me up to my feet.
I hugged him and swallowed my pain, careful not to cry knowing it'd hurt him.
Wait..water hurts Ghostbur who is a ghost-meaning he is dead
And water hurts me..meaning I could be a ghost-


I stepped back from Ghostbur almost tripping over my feet and looking at him dead in the eyes.

"Am I actually dead..?"
anyways thanks for reading :D
I'm gonna be writing a lot of angst so get ready >:)
Also this chapter is over 1000 words so new record *u*
Anyways Ily all :]
Bye my loves
Bye Love <3

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