attac - friends and enemies part 4

28 1 61

Hey besties
Still got too much motivation <3
Hope u like this chapter >:)
Also take a picture of my friends cat featuring my babay sister
Luv u hope u enjoy :D
TW: Lava, screams, death, blood/gore, cussing, burning
(Not just for this chapter for the rest of the book)


"Do I know you?" I ask
"U-Uhm no-Of co-urse-" he stammered
"But you know me." I stated rather than asked


"N-" he started
"Omg stop stuttering" I said half heartedly
"Tommy you're a jerk u know that right?" The stranger sneered

I grabbed my diamond sword out of my inventory
"Bestie if u keep messing with me I won't hesitate to end ur sad pathetic life" I said smiling evilly

Ranboo slipped behind him and grabbed his arms to stop him from running

I held the sword to his neck by he didn't seem phased
I pushed the tip slowly into his neck and I felt him tense slightly

"Well, just because you've got my front covered with diamonds doesn't mean you've got my back!" He started matter-of-factly
He kicked Ranboo in the knee and Ranboo let go with one arm

The stranger thinking he let go with both hands tried to run away but Ranboo was quicker
He drew his netherite axe with his free hand and use his hand holding the stranger to hold him up by his neck
He pulled the stranger to his chest and held his axe to his neck, slowly moving the sharpest part of the axe's blade father down his neck
He wasn't applying much pressure so there was no pain or blood

Ranboo probably couldn't feel the stranger tense, that's the only reason he had to push the axe blade a bit more and could see some blood

The stranger looked and probably felt as stiff as a board so Ranboo lowered the pressure ever so slightly
Meanwhile I was looking on in amazement when I noticed something on the ground


They had blue lenses on the left side and red lenses on the right. The frame was black and engraved with the world
~MANIFOLD~ on both sides
Ranboo noticed the glasses I was holding and gasped


"W-what" Tommy said

"J⏃☊K ⋔A⋏⟟ O⌰D" I yelled again

I was getting annoyed cuz my voice was fogging up again Tommy won't be able to understand me once that happens

"⏁⍜⋔⋔⊬ ⍀⎍⋏" I yelled again and Jack struggled in my grasp

Tommy couldn't understand but he knew what was going to happen

"⟊⏃☊☍ ⊬⍜⎍ ⋔⍜⏁⊑⟒⍀ ⎎⎍☊☍⟒⍀" I screeched

Tommy looked terrified
He kept looking at Jack and me and then back to Jack and me as if he didn't know if he should help or get help

Then his skin turned a bit paler
No! This couldn't happen now..
Tommy would black out and he would be in a lot of danger

When Tommy blacks out his skin becomes paler than before-which is quite impressive considering its paler than his ghost skin which is paler than his normal skin which is already pretty pale-.

Anyways, Techno explained that if he stays in his mind for too long-which is where he goes when he blacks out-he'll get stuck there forever, and we'd be able to tell if he'd got stuck cuz his skin would turn white as a sheet

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