
70 4 25

TW: Lava, screams, death, blood, cussing
(Not just for this chapter for the rest of the book)


Sam's POV:
I told Techno, Tubbo, and Ranboo that I was taking Dream to the prison so he wouldn't do any shit since he was just tied to a pole in the open which wasn't that hard to knock down, it had fallen down many times when I tried to tie Dream to it

I grabbed his hood and pulled him through the nether portal by Techno's house

When I emerged I dragged him through the nether until I found the portal I needed.
I pulled Dream through glowing purple portal and felt lighter for a few moments
I was temporarily blinded as I enter but once I exited I got my sight back and scanned our surroundings.
It was storming and the sidewalk was coated in a thin layer of water that sloshed as I dragged Dream's passed out body to the prison.

It was going surprisingly smoothly until Dream's head hit a loose rock in the ground and he woke with a yell

Dream's POV:
I felt a hard bump on my head as it hit a rock

"AGH!!" I yelled as the pain fully hit.

"Shut up." Sam scoffed

I grunted and crossed my arm while Sam continued dragging me by my hoodie

After a few minutes of uncomfortable tugging at my neck Sam said

"If you're conscious now can you stand up and put on the handcuffs"

"Whatever.." I said as I stood up with Sam still holding my hoodie. He dug into his inventory and grabbed handcuffs then cuffed them on my wrists

He grabbed my wrist with one hand-the other still grabbing my hoodie-and pulled me to the prison

"Soooooooooooo how's Ponk doin? Heard you cut off his arm or something.." I said attempting to make small talk
"Shut. it." Sam growled-obviously not wanting to have small talk so I just shut my mouth and grumbled
"So much for trying to be friendly"

                              -time skip luv <3-

George POV:
I had just gotten a call from Sam saying he needed to talk to me and I had to go to the Community House.

"Thanks for coming" Sam said in his emotionless voice
"Why did you invite me here? Was it something I did?"
Sam chuckled and told me to follow him so, naturally, I did.

After walking for an hour we arrived at a big building made with dark blocks that had a terrible stench.

After walking inside, Sam starting a long process that involved storing my items, going through security checks, and swimming through lava until we finally reached...a cell?

As I look around I saw someone in the corner and my heart broke when I realized who it was.

"Dream.." I called out
Him face tilted up slightly as he heard my voice. He got up and walked over to where I was and I got a good look at his face.
Even though he still had half his mask, I was able to see roughly most of his face.
His dirty blonde hair was dripping wet from the rain and his green eyes that shone like emeralds by the lava's reflection.
He had that look in his eyes that he always had after something big happened.
I could see a few freckles that littered his nose and perfectly contoured his eyes.

I stared at him for a second then put my hand on his exposed cheek which made him blush a bit.
He got over it and put his hand over mine, caressing my thumb softly.

I had a lot of questions I desperately needed answers for.
I sighed and then spoke four words and watched his face fall

"What did you do..?"

Would that be considered fluff or angst??

Anyways my friend asked me to put in dnf so here u go <3

This was actually my longest chapter with 670+ words so I hope u liked this

luv u <3

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