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I haven't posted since last year but hahahahahhrhejdnnsbdhsh


that was a while ago but stiLl

Ok I hope you enjoy this chapter :D

PS, yesterday (Feb 20) was my birthday and my wish was to finish this chapter and I  D I D
TW: Lava, screams, death, blood/gore, cussing, burning
(Not just for this chapter for the rest of the book)

Help I can't see.

Everything is dark

Where am I???




Everything is blinking

My eyes hurt

I close then to stop the eye strain

When I open my eyes nothing is flashing anymore
It's just white

It's also very hard to see
Like, I'm only looking through my scarred eye which is really blurry
Like I have a 3/20 vision

I blink again and everything changes again
It's dark but I can still see somethings
I wait until my eyes adjust to the light and I see I'm in Techno's house
I can't see anyone though

I turn my head to my left but it hurts a lot
"OW-ugh.." I yell before quieting my voice because of what I see

I see a sleeping Tommy, curled up next to me with his head resting on my leg
He looks like he was crying, his eyebrows furrowed and his face was tear stained

I slowly turned my head to the right, trying not to disturb my neck again
This time I don't.

I see Ranboo and notice I'm laying on his lap
How did I not notice this????
My face heats up as I see his arms wrapped around my waist

I slowly move my head back to the front, looking at the wall
I see a red blanket on the floor and stretch my arm to grab it
Somehow I manage to pull it off the ground
I put it on me and Tommy and tuck him in
Yawning, I turned my body so I'm facing Tommy and close my eyes, falling into a deep sleep

  ~Timeskip brought to you by my beloved <33~

It's 5am why the fuck does it sound like an elephant rave??
Ok maybe that was a slight overstatement

I'm walking down the stairs and looking around to find where the noise is coming from when I see movement on the couch

I freeze and just watch
I see something moving under that one red blanket Tommy got for Christmas

It could be a spider, maybe. Pile of sentient skeleton bones??
Either way, Tommy's in trouble.

I resist from shooting the little annoyance with the bow I hastily grabbed and duck below the railing

I see a head full of semi-curly brown hair peek out from under the blanket and I immediately run over after I recognize which little annoyance it is

*Ghostinnit* DSMP AUWhere stories live. Discover now