remember - friends and enemies part 3

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I actually grouped multiple of these interactions together like 4 of them in a chapter but then I realized that would be impossible without have 10,000 word chapters so you'll get at least 2 I think.
I'll try for at least 2
I think
Also, again, any dsmp lore in this is probably not correct cuz my memory is shiz
Anyways hope u like this chapter
Ily <3
TW: Lava, screams, death, blood, cussing, burning
(Not just for this chapter for the rest of the book)

Ghostbur POV:
"Am I actually dead..?" Tommy asks looking me dead in the eyes
"I-.." I tried to respond to him but couldn't
I could feel tears well in my eyes
Well, I could feel them burn but same thing

I grabbed Techno's cape and wiped my eyes while Tommy stared at me and cried silently
Im so glad he finally realized though, I wonder why it took so long?

Techno grabbed his caps out of my hands and sighed
"Come on guys, we gotta go. Tommy, you should get used to sad moments. Let's just say ur life wasn't perfect" Tubbo grabbed Tommy's hand which snapped Tommy back to reality (op there goes gravity-)
Ranboo wiped his eyes with his suit sleeve and blinked back tears until they supposedly stopped

I feel bad for Ranboo
First Techno acts like a bitch toward him
Then Tubbo ignores him
And now he's got nobody to talk to!!

I float over to Ranboo and say "Hey Ranboo! You ok? I can see Tubbo isn't talking to you.."
He nods slightly and softly says "I'm..fine" which he obviously isn't

"Hey, it's ok to be sad! Tubbo doesn't hate you he just misses Tommy! Remember, they were-are, best friends" I reminded him with a smile
"Yeah..thanks Ghostbur" Ranboo said smiling a little
Proud of my success I floated towards Techno

"Where to next?" I ask with a grin
Techno sighs
"The ——.." He grimaced as my face falls
"Isn't there a 'nicer' place we can go to? Somewhere with maybe a bit more peasant memories?!" I ask with a hint of worry in my voice
Techno thinks for a second then mutters "in order to get the correct memories-and not mess anything up..we need to go in order of these events and sadly, most of them aren't very pleasant"
I recoil myself then fly over to Tubbo and whisper to him "we're going to the —— so try to calm Tommy down while we're on our way"

(Author note:
The dashes block out where and who they're going/meeting with so you can guess <3)

Tubbo stares at me for a second then sighs and nods toward Tommy with his head
I float over to him and give him a big hug
Tommy seems surprised by my actions but hugs back and smiles


After cheering him up we started walking again
Tommy was holding Tubbo's hand
Ranboo was sniffling and wiping his eyes every one in a while
Techno was sharpening his axe as he walked
And I was floating over the entire group, protecting them I guess

After walking for an hour everyone was tired so we took a break

"Hey this place looks kinda familiar.." Tommy said tapping Techno's shoulder
We all looked around

"OMG WE'RE ON THE PRIME PATH!!" Tubbo screamed which made Techno jump
"No need to be so loud" he hissed as he collected himself
"What do you remember about this place Tommy?" Techno asked

Everything fades to black again

I felt the floor disappear

Then I fell again
I opened my eyes and was surprised to find I was floating!
I looked around and saw the floor flashing

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