Out Of The Shadows

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I hope you all enjoyed Part One, because here comes Part Two! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of The Shadows.
(I didn't give the turtles personality profiles, because obviously their the exact same, only older.)   :)

Meet The Characters:

You: Age 20- Mutant / Human

Weapons: Staff, hand to hand combat, ninjitsu, and Mutant PowersPowers: Better trained, speed, durability, strength, misty purple energy

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Weapons: Staff, hand to hand combat, ninjitsu, and Mutant Powers
Powers: Better trained, speed, durability, strength, misty purple energy.
Shields, power blasts, tendrils of power
Occupation: Investigative Journalist, Heart of the Mutant Team, Vigilante Hero
Personality: Flirty, playful, intelligent, sarcastic, loving

April O'Neil: Age 25Relation: Older SisterOccupation: Channel 6 News AnchorPersonality: Caring, Protective, Smart, Dedicated(April takes a little bit of a back seat in this story)

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April O'Neil: Age 25
Relation: Older Sister
Occupation: Channel 6 News Anchor
Personality: Caring, Protective, Smart, Dedicated
(April takes a little bit of a back seat in this story)

Vern Fenwick: Age  30Relation: FriendOccupation: Vern 'The Falcon' Fenwick, New York City's "Savior"Personality: Cocky, sarcastic, brave, supportive(Vern Also takes a bit of a backseat in this story)

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Vern Fenwick: Age 30
Relation: Friend
Occupation: Vern 'The Falcon' Fenwick, New York City's "Savior"
Personality: Cocky, sarcastic, brave, supportive
(Vern Also takes a bit of a backseat in this story)

Vern Fenwick: Age  30Relation: FriendOccupation: Vern 'The Falcon' Fenwick, New York City's "Savior"Personality: Cocky, sarcastic, brave, supportive(Vern Also takes a bit of a backseat in this story)

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Leonardo: Age 18
Relation: Boyfriend (2 years), Teammate
Occupation: Leader of the Mutant Team, Vigilante Hero

Leonardo: Age 18Relation: Boyfriend (2 years), TeammateOccupation: Leader of the Mutant Team, Vigilante Hero

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Raphael: Age 18
Relation: Teammate, Best Friend
Occupation: Brawn of the Mutant Team, Vigilante Hero

Donatello: Age 18Relation: Teammate, Best FriendOccupation: Brain of The Mutant Team, Vigilante Hero

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Donatello: Age 18
Relation: Teammate, Best Friend
Occupation: Brain of The Mutant Team, Vigilante Hero

Michelangelo: Age 18Relation: Teammate, Best FriendOccupation: Free Spirit of The Mutant Team, Vigilante Hero

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Michelangelo: Age 18
Relation: Teammate, Best Friend
Occupation: Free Spirit of The Mutant Team, Vigilante Hero

Casey Jones: Age 21Relation: Acquaintance, turned Best FriendOccupation: Correctional Officer, Sports themed VigilantePersonality: Smart, Skilled, Brave, Funny, Temperamental

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Casey Jones: Age 21
Relation: Acquaintance, turned Best Friend
Occupation: Correctional Officer, Sports themed Vigilante
Personality: Smart, Skilled, Brave, Funny, Temperamental

Other Characters:
Master Splinter: Sensei
Shredder: Villain
Krang: Outerspace Alien Villain, looks like a brain, mixed with a tongue, creepy and slimy
Baxter Stockman: Nerdy scientist, Teamed up with Shredder
Bebop and Rocksteady: Not terribly bright duo of escaped convicts, get turned into Warthog and Rhino mutants by Shredder.

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