Family Tensions

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I let Casey into the kitchen where Mikey was snacking and found my way to Donnie's lab. He was in complete work mode. Focusing on the dart as it processed through his scanning systems. Glass beakers were bubbling, measuring as he swiftly made his way around his work space.

    "All right, Donnie, you got this." He breathed. "Okay. Dissolve the Quadra-helix bonds and reverse the cohesion. Oh hey, Y/n." Donnie greeted me without even looking.

    "How's it going so far, D?" I asked softly, approaching next to him. He flipped across magnifying glasses, growing bigger with each one he turned.

    "Uhm, fine. I think... Wait, that would mean... Is that really possible?" He mumbled to himself.

    "Is what possible?" I questioned him with narrowed eyes.

    "We need to go, right now." Donnie said excitedly and I looked at him confused.

    He grabbed my hand and pulled me through the lair, trying to find Leo. He was sitting in part of the lair sharpening his katanas. He looked solemn, beat down about something which made me frown.

    "Leo! Leo! Leo!" Donnie called out to him quickly. "Leo, oh, my gosh! This is amazing! You're not gonna believe this. Okay, I made a solution from a sample of the purple ooze, right, to expedite analysis of the isotope? But while I was analyzing and waiting for it to catalyze, I started thinking, if the purple ooze can turn humans into animals, perhaps if properly reengineered... Watch this. Watch this." Donnie excitedly waved him up.

Leo looked between us both of us and I just shrugged, still confused about what he was so excited about. Leo came closer and Donnie took the dropper of solution he had made and placed a small drop on his turtle hand. His normal three fingered hand changed into a five fingered human like hand. Granted it was still green and scaley, but he was right if he could reengineer it. It could change them.

    "It could turn us into humans." Donnie explained softly and I gasped. Leo walked away slightly with his back turned on us. "If we could get our hands on more of this stuff, it could be life changing!"

    "But, D..." I said softly and placed my arm on his. "Do... Do you really want to change? I mean, to me you guys are amazing just as you are. The best kickass turtles I know." I smiled up at him after my playful joke, but Donnie didn't smile. His head hung low.

    "We don't need that kind of change." Leo turned and agreed.

    "Okay. You're right..." Donnie said softly, and sadness clearly laced his tone. "To blend in with humans could compromise our strategic advantage..."

Donnie's eyes flickered towards me and I suddenly felt a hint of resentment aimed at me that I never had before. I'd never truly thought of the fact that yes, I was a mutant with powers, but I could still leave the lair. I mean it crossed my mind but not to this extent. I could have a job, go to the surface whenever I wanted. I felt really small and shallow, wrapping my arms around myself.

    "We have a system that works. We shouldn't mess with the formula." Donnie turned to walk away.

    "Donnie." Leo called out to him, making him turn back. "Listen, you can't say a word of this to the others." He whispered. Donnie reluctantly nodded and walked away. Little did he know, Michelangelo was listening discreetly.

    "W-Why? You guys never lie to each other." I asked gently as Leo passed by me. Taking a seat again and going back to his katanas.

    "You know them, Y/n. They'll act impulsively." Leo shrugged and I sighed.

    "All right, what's wrong?" I asked gently and approached him from behind. I gently ran my hand along the top of his shell, but he seemed to shrug me off. "Okay, did I do something?"

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