A Little Fieldtrip to Brazil

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The four boys got ready and opened up the loading hatch to the airplane. It peeled away from the plane and harsh air burst through towards them. Raph's eyes nearly bulged out of his head again seeing the ground way, way below them. This was completely different than normal heights that didn't both him. This was free falling out of a plane. Fear was an uncommon thing for Raph to experience. He was already hating on himself pretty heavily right now, guilt heavily laying out in his mind. Not having his best friend beside him to assure him that she'd be right there beside him to jump with him. To encourage him that he could do it and that being afraid was okay. Or poke and prode him with her words like the big bear he is to make him feel angry enough to overcome his fears.

    "Oh, boy." Raph gulped. "Guys, I don't know if this is such a good plan!"

    "Oh, come on, don't go getting soft on me now, Raph." Mikey slapped his brothers arm in good fun. "This is going to be fun!"

    "We got to go now. We only have a 30 second window. You know the plan." Donnie informed his brothers offering them a small wave before leaping headfirst of out the plane without a seconds hesitation while some of their backs were turned.

    "UH, dudes." Mikey said as he watched Donnie leave the plane.

    "What?" Leo asked unbothered.

    "He jumped."

Leo and Raph both turned quickly to see that Mikey was right. Donnie was no longer near the doorway to the plane like he was mere seconds ago. He was gone and had indeed jumped.    

    "He jumped?!" Raph exclaimed.

    "Uh-huh." Mikey nodded still surprised.

    "All right, one for all." Leo confidently strolled towards the door way.

    "Wait, wait, wait! You don't have a chute!" Raph called out behind his oldest brother, his voice shaking slightly.

Leo didn't listen or wait, he only jumped.

    "Whoo-hoo!" Leo cheerfully called out as he leapt out of the plane.

    "I don't need a chute. I got my board!" Mikey's voice echoed as he jumped from the plane next. His jet pack board underneath his feet. He whooped in excitement flipping through the air. "Oh, this is awesome!" He laughed, firing up the board and zooming towards the oncoming plane.

Raphael breathed heavily and grunted as he clung to the doorway of the plane. Wanting to follow after his brothers, but his fear had its claws dug tightly into him and his mind.

Donnie glided through the air down towards the oncoming plane, using one of his devices to aim and shoot. The suction cup at the bottom of the device successfully stuck to the plane and allowed him to bring himself to it. The rope wrapped around the end of the plane and with a thud he landed and attached the hook's so he wouldn't fly off.

Leonardo wobbled slightly in the air, slowly pushing him off track. He gulped and called out to his brothers.

    "I'm off! I'm off! I'm off target!" Leo yelled, his body flailing through the air.

    "Need a lift, bro?" Mikey called out to him, approaching from behind though the air.

Leo's momentary fear made him reach out and grab ahold of Mikey's shell making them both spin slightly out of control. Mikey did his best to control the board and guide them towards the plane.

    "Slow down, Mikey!" Leo yelled at him.

    "Prepare for the ouch!" Mikey yelled back.

They approached the plane screaming and groaning as soon as they made contact.

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