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Back at the Police Headquarters, April was getting really fed up with the questioning. She wanted out and she wanted her sister.

    "If you're going to press charges, just press charges." April grunted annoyedly.

    "And you still owe her a phone call." Casey pointed out.    

    "I don't owe anybody anything until you tell me where that girl and those turtles things came from." Rebecca stated roughly, heading towards the door. Which Casey blocked off.

    "From New Hampshire." He said stiffly crossing his arms across his chest.

    "Wow." Rebecca scoffed in a whisper. "You're actually an even bigger loser than I thought."

She knocked on the door and Casey pursed his lips, biting his tongue. The doorway opened and she walked out, shutting the door behind her and leaving them locked in.

    "Don't worry about her, Casey. She's just trying to get under your skin." April pointed out with a small sigh.

    "Nah, she's right." Casey whispered and walked back into the room towards her. "Been hearing that my whole life. You know, I've only ever really had one goal. I wanted to make detective in the New York City Police department. I wanted to put criminals away, not just keep them in cages. But working corrections, you do learn two good things. One, justice comes in all shapes and sizes. And two, it' s way easier to pick a cop's pocket than you might think."

He grinned and pulled a phone out from behind him that he had stolen off Rebecca Vincent. April smirked back at him as he tossed the phone to her.

    "Make your call."

April knew exactly who to get them out of this situation. So she called up her very good friend.

    "Yeah?" They answered the phone.

    "Vern." April replied.

    "O'Neil." Vern smirked. He was currently busy blowing up bags of his own hot air to sell for profit.

    "Vern listen I need you to..." April paused hearing a squeaking sound through the phone. "What is that sound?"

    "Just a little side venture." Vern stated out of breath. "Falcon breath. Turns out, people are willing to pay $200 bucks a pop for a bag of my hot air."

    "Okay, look forget that I asked." April said quickly shaking her head. "Casey, Y/n and I are in police custody." She whispered.

    "Shocking!" Vern chuckled, thinking about the youngest O'Neil and her shenanigans. He was quite surprised it took this long. "Why would they wanna question you?" He questioned with a furrowed brow. "I mean, I know Y/n and Casey broke into their headquarters..."

    "Look, Vern, I've got bigger problems then myself right now, okay?" April whispered harshly. "Y/n exposed herself and her powers to let the turtles go free. And now Baxter Stockman has doctored footage of her from TCRI, but I'm betting there's some sort of a secondary feed that will show that he's been working with Shredder and that they turned Bebop and Rocksteady into mutants too."

Vern sighed loudly. Y/n, though a right pain in his butt with her sarcastic comments and torments through the years, was still someone he considered a friend. Knowing she exposed himself made him worry, and that made him worry about April too.

    "Look, uh... What do you want from me?"

    "I want you to be the hero that the whole city thinks you are." April said sweetly, knowing she was a weakness of Vern's.

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