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The NYPD were led to one of the alleyways with a manhole entrance to the lair. But not our main one, just in case. They all stood on the side street, a giant NYPD vehicle behind us. A line of officer's with guns aimed. Which only made me roll my eyes. I was still cuffed with the power prohibitors standing in the police truck they had prepared for us. They wanted me out of sight in case it was some sort of trick. April had informed the turtles to meet us above the surface and that the police were there as well.

    "You're sure they're coming?" Rebecca scoffed.

    "They're coming." April assured her.

    "But the brigade of officers and guns really aren't necessary. Plus these cuffs. If I wanted to hurt you or anyone I wouldn't need my powers. And they won't hurt any innocents ever." I called out of the truck as I rolled my eyes.

Suddenly both of the manhole covers in the ground began to turn and lift slightly. Raph and Donnie coming out of the back one, with Leo and Mikey climbing out of the front one. They stood up cautiously seeing all the officers and their guns aimed right at them. They raised their hands in the air showing they meant no harm. I desperately wanted to make eye contact, to show them I was all right, but I was still being held by a guard in the truck. Unable to see much.

    "Hold your fire." Rebecca commanded to the officers. Seeing her officers tense.

    "Hold your fire!" One of the commanders called out.

    "What are you?" Rebecca stepped forward slightly and questioned them.

    "We're not really into labels." Mikey spoke.

    "Some call us freaks. Monsters." I heard Leo's deep tone relay to them.

    "Let's just say we're four brothers from New York who hate bullies and love this city." Raph's deep voice grunted.

    "And right now, we're the city's best hope." Donnie pointed out.

    "Why should I believe you?" She scoffed.

    "You don't have to take it from us. Take it from him." Leo said, pointing at Vern.

    "Go ahead, vern." April crossed her arms. "Tell her about the arrangement."

    "What arrangement?" Vern chuckled nervously.

I scoffed inside the truck annoyed. Vern looked at the turtles as he chuckled and noticed their serious faces and Raph cracking his knuckles.

    "Oh, that... Arrangement..." Vern said. He sighed slightly and stepped forward towards the Captain. "Look, The Falcon is still the Falcon. I just may have gotten by with a little help from my friends. These four and Y/n are the ones who took down Shredder the first time. I was kind of more of a wingman." He explained. He was lucky I was in the truck and wanting to surprise the boys or I'd be cracking off some sarcastic shit at him.

    "We've been doing our part to protect this city from the shadows." Leo nodded in agreement. "We'd like our fifth member back."

As Rebecca opened her mouth, a crashing sound occurred above them, making them all flinch, including me from inside the truck. Pieces of the floating metal ship came crashing through the air above the alleyway.

    "We think we have something to offer." Leo called out over the noise.

    "I think I have something to offer first." Rebecca sighed. She turned back and nodded at the guard at the door, who knocked on the truck door.

The guard holding me, opened up the door pushing me out first. I heard all the boys gasp. I looked up as my feet touched the ground, grinning at each of them. I could see the visible relief on their faces, specially Leo's seeing that I was fine and untouched. I grinned at the guard and stuck out my hands smugly. He rolled his eyes and placed the key into my cuffs, making them pop off. I rubbed my wrists for a moment and looked at Rebecca with a raised brow. She gestured that I could go to them.

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