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We were moved to the challenge platform outside of the villa that looked like a security check at the airport. I had put my prosthetic back on before the challenge so it was easier to move around the platform.

The challenge was called Anything To Declare and each islander would be opening a suitcase with a statement about someone on the opposite team. They would pretend to search their body with a scanner before kissing them. The islander would then walk through the security scanner which would flash green if correct and red if incorrect.

I was excited to find out what secret was used about me because they are some fun things that could be revealed right now.

"This islander once turned down a threesome because he didn't want to pay towards the hotel." Amber was the first to grab a suitcase and picked Liam to scan and kiss. It was definitely one of the more awkward kisses I've seen in my life.

"This girls boyfriend found nudes if her that were not sent to him." Andrew guessed Tasha for that statement and ended up being correct.

I would never have guessed Tasha to be the one to do that but I guess we all have our secrets. Only thing is, if she was willing to send another guy nudes when she's in a relationship, how far would she be willing to go? Be careful Andrew, she could be trouble.

"This islander spent over £1000 on a first date." Definitely wasn't worth it.

Imagine spending a grand on some chick to not even be with her. Could never catch me spending that much on you unless I love you.

There are a few boys I could imagine doing something like this. Dami is a sweetheart who wants to treat everyone well so it could be him, Liam seems like the type to go to extremes to make sure you're happy, and Luca is the kind of guy to reassure you of his interest by physically showing. Mr gotta-be-my-bro-first would take you to Nando's or his local pub and Andrew, I don't know why but I just can't see him doing that.

I make my decision and pull Luca over to the centre of the platform. I scan his body, maybe paying more attention to certain areas than others before moving in front of him and kissing him. And not just a peck, like a full on snog.

I can tell you now, if I have anything to do with it, that won't be the last kiss with Luca.

Luca: I don't even know what to say. That kiss- god, take me back to that moment and just leave me there.

Luca walked through the scanner and the light flashed green. Even if it wasn't him, I wouldn't have cared because I still got to kiss him. I moved back to the girls and Luca grabbed the next suitcase.

"This girl has only had oral sex with one person." Luca reads the card out and I'm mentally thanking whatever gods are up there for giving him mine.

Is this a challenge?


Am I gonna make it obvious that it's me so I get to kiss him again?

You're damn right, I am.

Luca looks across the line of us girls and I wink as he gets to me.

"Get your pretty little ass over here Theo."

"Hey! It ain't that small!"

"I wasn't complaining."

Jesus Christ.

Like I did to him, Luca spent more time on certain areas before becoming the villas comedian and making an annoying beeping sound when he got to my prosthetic.

"It seems the scanner has detected metal on your body."

"Oh really, I wonder how that could've happened." I laugh and a few others join in when they realise I'm not offended by the joke.

"Miss, this is not a laughing matter. In order to ensure complete safety for our flights and the passengers, I believe a strip search needs to be completed."

"Just get up here and kiss me."

"Gladly." Luca drops the scanner and reaches up to hold my neck before pulling me towards him and into a kiss.

He definitely enjoys choking people in bed and lets just say I'm not gonna complain.

When we finally break apart, panting for breath, I walk through the scanner and it flashed green.

I just think it's a lot more intimate that sex. Like having someone inside of you or being inside of someone, yeah it's intimate. But in your mouth? That's a whole different story, like, what if they taste bad? That's the whole mood ruined then. I'd much rather do oral with someone I trust than some complete stranger.

We carried on for a few more rounds until all the cases had been used. A lot of the secrets revealed what some of the islanders were truly like outside of the villa and let's just say, I'm glad I made the choice to be closest with Paige and Indiyah. 

As we got back into the villa I headed over to the kitchen. I was in the mood for an ice lolly so I grabbed one before going to find Davide. I have no idea who he's planning on picking tonight so I wanna find out.

"Davide, are you gonna miss sleeping next to me?" I fall back onto the sun bed next to Davide who's sunbathing.

"You'll be back. Girls I share a bed with always come back after a while." And yet he's still single.

"I wouldn't get your hopes up. I don't plan on leaving the bed I'll be in tonight."

"Luca's?" I'm pretty sure everyone knows that I'm interested in Luca, I haven't exactly tried to hide it.

"Yeah. What about you though? I've saw you pull the girls for chats but I have no idea how you feel about any of them."

"Because unlike you I haven't been eye-fucking the person I plan on choosing since we got here."

"It's not my fault. I'll eye-fuck him and imagine how good he is in bed until I get to experience it, and then after that, I'll continue to eye-fuck him and remember how good he is."

"You are way too fucking open."

"Hidden feelings lead to confusion and missed opportunities. I'm not afraid to tell people the truth or how I feel because who cares? In here, the girls throw a hissy fit in here and then try to be best friends again, if we argue I'm saying things from my perspective and not apologising for how I feel."

We carry on talking and Davide starts to teach me basic Italian before it's time to start getting ready for this evening.

HIM // LUCA BISH (LOVE ISLAND 2022) Where stories live. Discover now