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One thing I love about Luca is that he loves being pampered

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One thing I love about Luca is that he loves being pampered. Most guys hate being pampered as it's "too girly" but with Luca? I don't even have to persuade him, he's willing to be pampered. He's usually very willing when I wear things like the dress I'm in tonight, mostly because my tits are right in front of his face.

"What do you think the deal is with tonight?"

"It's too soon for a dumping or recoupling. Maybe a new islander?" Great, just what we need.

Also, I feel like I skimmed over me saying I love Luca. So, let's discuss. I love him. There's no doubt about it. It usually takes a while for me to warm up to a person to the point of sleeping with them, even though I'm a horny person I'm not gonna sleep with someone if I don't trust them. And I trust Luca, like I said to him the other day, if the situation was different and we weren't being filmed constantly, I would've given him head. He knew from that comment alone how serious I was about us and that it's very unlikely that my head will be turned.

But yeah, the night I had my phantom pain episode was the night that confirmed it. He wanted more than anything to help me and be there to reduce the pain while I slept. So much so that he forced himself to stay awake until he knew the pain was going down or lessened from the painkillers.

"Great. More squealing to listen to." I'd put my makeup on in the bathroom so I could put some glitter on Luca. I would much rather get ready in here all the time but unfortunately, I'm stuck in the dressing room.

"Who squeals the most?"

"Who do you think? Little miss eye roller, she basically squeals instead of talking." If there's one thing I hate more than the eye-rolling, it's her voice. It makes everything ten times more annoying. I'd rather listen to cutlery scrape across a plate.

"You really don't like her, huh?" Even if she wasn't a total bitch, there's something about her that I don't like.

"Nope. I'm great at holding grudges so now that she's pissed me off multiple times there's no chance of us being civil."

"I best stay on your good side then."

"That should've been the case whether I held grudges or not."

"It was. Although it's hot when you're pissed."

"You better not piss me off for the fun of it."

"Why? What would you do?"

"Ignore you for a while, kick you out into the doghouse." I'd end up out there with him, let's be real.

"You wouldn't cope. We spent a few hours apart today and you said you missed me."

"I wasn't pissed today. Pissed Theodora has a whole other level of willpower."

"I'll stick to the good side then. Leave the pissing off to Amber." Good. I really didn't want him to prove his point. I'm sure everyone and their dog already knows I'd end up in the doghouse before he had a chance to get there.

HIM // LUCA BISH (LOVE ISLAND 2022) Where stories live. Discover now