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Apart from Dami and Amber going on a date, today had been peaceful. Which, on Love Island, means something is happening this evening and due to the uneven numbers, my bet is on a dumping of one of the current single girls.

I'm sure we all knew which girls were going to be chose and who would be sent home, we were just choosing to ignore it.

Right now, everyone was getting dressed up for the evening whilst me and Luca were lay in bed. We took a nap after eating and were woke up by everyone heading in to get ready.

"You know what I've realised since being in here?"


"My tits are uneven." I see a few of the guys look over in confusion at my statement. "If I'm lying facing you, it's fine but if I'm facing away from you, my left tit is basically out of my bra."

"It's a bloody good job you face me when we sleep then isn't it? Can't have you flashing everyone."

"You might have to wrap your arm around and cover my tit if I turn around in my sleep."

"I'm sure he'd do that without you having an uneven tit." The boys laugh as I stick my middle finger up.

"I wouldn't stop him."  I sit up and connect my prosthetic before pecking Luca and heading upstairs to get ready.

I yawn as I step into the dressing room and drop down onto the stool. I really don't want to go outside tonight, I just wanna sleep.

"How you feeling about tonight then Theodora?"

"I feel like something bad is gonna happen and in the nicest way possible I hope it happens to one of you guys because I'm very horny and am hoping for a customer at the salon."

"We need to send you two off to the hideaway soon. I don't wanna wake up to you two going all the way in the bedroom." The girls agree and continue with small conversations around the room as we get ready.

Remember how I said I had a feeling something bad was gonna happen?

I thought that after Afia was dumped following tonight's recoupling, everything would be fine.

Except, I just called Luca Jacques so, say what you will but that's pretty fucking bad. Like, anything could've happened but no, I had to call the guy I'm coupled up with my ex. And not only that, Jacques just had to be there and Amber being Amber made a comment trying to stir shit.

Luca: Not the nicest thing to hear, you know. It's weird as it is that they were together but to say his name, yeah, it's not great.

Shit. Shit. Shit. There were so many ways that scenario could've gone better. I could've said anyone else's name, Jacques could've been anywhere but right next to us and Amber. Did she really need to comment? She has some kind of agenda against me and it's so annoying man.

Luca had just walked off over to the circular day bed and I knew I'd fucked up. It wasn't that I was thinking about Jacques, we were just talking in the kitchen.

"Just leave him for a bit, let him calm down."

"The longer I leave it, the more he's gonna think I don't care. And I'd rather he wasn't upset or annoyed with me."

I head over to Luca, kneel on the side of the bed and take my prosthetic off.

"I swear to you, the only reason I said his name was because we were talking and he was in front of me."

"What do you want me to say? It's not exactly made me feel good about us if you're saying his name."

"You can be as annoyed with me as you want but the reason I said his name wasn't because I wanted it to be him or I was thinking of him. You know the aftermath of our relationship and how bad it was at the end so there's no chance of me ever wanting to be with him again. It might not have been the best feeling to hear me slip up and say his name but for you to assume I'd go back to someone who put me in a state I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy is just as shitty. And I get that you can have doubts about us, because that's part of being here, the challenges and the doubts, but finding reasons to not feel good about us as a couple makes it seem like you're looking for ways out."

"You know for a fact that I'm not looking for a way out. You're the only girl in here that I'm interested in and I've said that, multiple times." He gets up off of the bed and starts to walk off. "I'm going to get a drink."

"Don't walk away in the middle of the conversation when you know I can't follow you." He stops and sighs before sitting back down.

"Sorry, I forgot."

"You're alright. I'm not gonna stop you from drinking just at least let us sort this out first. I don't like arguing with you and I want to sort this out as quick as possible." He moves further back onto the bed so he's leaning against the pillows, him now being a bit closer than before.

"It's just, knowing that you two have history and are close in here, there's always gonna be that thought in my head questioning whether something could happen between you two again."

"That's all we are, history. If someone is gonna belittle me in front of their friends and claim I'm using my disability for attention, the only thing they're gonna get from me is a slap. Plus, I'm only close with him in here because you two are. Now, can I have a hug? It's weird being so close but not touching."

"Come here." He opens his arms and I move over so I'm lying against him.

"I'm sorry."

"Me too." Well, I'm glad that's over.

"So, after that fuck-up, what are the chances of us doing something tonight? Because I'm very horny." A girls got needs. That's all I can say.

"Depends. You gonna moan my name or his?" I don't even need to look at him to see the grin on his face. He's gonna keep bringing it up now.

"Fuck off."

A/N: almost twenty chapters in and I'm only on day 8... this is gonna go on forever

HIM // LUCA BISH (LOVE ISLAND 2022) Where stories live. Discover now