Asking him out•

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[It all goes downhill from here 🥲👍🏻]

[Noah's POV] I'm planning on asking Mike out today but I don't know when would be a good time honestly, but I just know I'm doing it sometime today regardless of what happens, hopefully it doesn't get embarrassing or awkward or whatever else could go wrong and make the mood weird. I called him about 5 minutes ago asking if we could meet up at the park downtown and he agreed so now we just gotta agree on a time to meet up, I'm scared but also really excited, I have flowers and chocolate to give him when I do ask, I know he likes getting flowers and who doesn't like chocolate so I figured this would work, I'm laying on my bed waiting for mike to text me back on a time while writing this and I'm so stupid excited, send help.

-at pm when Mike and Noah finally meet up at the park and shit-

[Noah's POV] "Heyyy" I said smiling, he giggled "hey Noah" AND HE KISSED MEEE, it's been a while since our first kiss but I still love them just as much as I did the firat time, I kissed back and blushed a bit and he giggled "ur always so easy to make blush but oh anyways what did u wanna talk about" he said smiling but also with a confused look "oh yeah uh..." I said nervously, he was quiet then I spoke up up again ".... I was just gonna ask if u wanted to go.. on a date together" I was struggling to keep eye contact with him when I asked but I forced myself too as I handed him the flowers and chocolate I got him, then he walked up and kissed me again and took the flowers and chocolate from my hands "I would love to" he said softly I blushed "really- I mean cool" he giggled "yes really" he said with that knowing look on his face "YES" I yelled kinda bouncing then stopped "I mean cool cool so how about I pick u up tonight at 8:00... we can to out to the movies.... or something else if u want" he laughed "yeah that sounds good" then he kissed me again " I love u" he said gently and with a smile, I blushes "I love u to" then he turned and started to walk away but turned back to me and said "can't wait" I smiled "me either" then he turned around again and continued to walk away I could barely contain my excitement it was keeping everything in me to not start freaking the fuck out as soon as he agreed to the date but I was only able to contain it till I got home and started freaking the absolute fuck out... Bouncing around, yelling, acting incredibly immature for my age and so on... Im pretty sure my mom thinks I'm crazy or something... I'm surprised she hasn't put me in an asylum by now BUT HEY SHES NOT COMPLETELY WROOOOONG!!!!

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