Chapter 5 - SOLD SOLD SOLD!!!

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Leila's pov -

Ouch what am I sleeping on. Why is it so hard? I open my eyes and see I'm on the floor. No wonder. Why am I here— memories flash through my brain.

I got kidnapped

I get up and start to bang on the door. The room is dark and empty. It's so hot in here at the point I feel myself sweating. Then the door opened. It was a redheaded guy.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me out. Immediately the cold air run through my neck and hair— wait hair?

I pat my head with my free arm and tears start to form. They took my hijab off.
I try to take my hand away from his grip but he turns around and slapped me across the face.

"STOP IT LADY!" He said yelling in face. Some of the Saliva went on my face too.
I start to cry. I can't co anything. I'm useless at this point. Where am I exactly?

He pushed me to a lady who's almost naked with that dress on. She grabbed my arm and made me sit on a cold medal chair.

"She's the new chick?" She said with a piece of gum in her mouth. The redhead guy nods and took a cigarette out and left.

"W-what's going on" I said stop crying and look at the lady. There's a I'm safe...right?? "You're being sold off to a random men. We make money off of you little chick" she said smirking

How sick!!! I stare at her face and it began to blur with tears. Sold? Im being sold!!??
I don't wanna be sold! I wanna live my life. I don't wanna be sold to some 'man'

Oh my allah please help me.

She handed me a dress. "Ware this, you slut" she said smirking and tears start to fall. I don't have a choice do I? I put it on with shaky hands.

Oh allah please forgive me for what I'm wearing. ((The dress is shown down below at the bottom)))

A cry left my mouth as I stare at myself in the mirror. I hate this. Maybe it's a nightmare. It's real isn't it. I close my eyes and cry into my hands.

Someone slapped my head. I stop and look up. It was that girl. "Go you're next after the other chick" she said pushing me somewhere. It looked like a backstage of a show...or auction.

I turn to her holding my hands up.
"P-please m-miss d-don't do this to me! I-"
I didn't Ben finish my sentence when she rolled her eyes and put her finger up for me to stop talking.

"Stop talking or else I will shoot you!" She said and held her gun out to my forehead.
A sob left my lips and I shut my eyes and felt my legs go jelly.

I open my eyes and she's gone. Then someone pushed me on stage. I fell on the floor and close my eyes sobbing. I don't wanna look up and see men devouring my body.

I try to cover as much as I can with my hands but it's no use. The guy was speaking with a mic saying how beautiful I was and then he said "let's start with 2,000"

I wish I can wake up if this is a night mare. But it feels pretty real to me. I hear numbers being called.
The person on the mic was smiling like he just won something. And he is.
"60,000? Going once!"
"Going twice!"
Please don't please don't please don't. Please. My sobs got louder and I shut my eyes like sticky glue. I wanna burn myself.
"2 million!" Someone shouted making every one quiet and slightly gaps. The mic guy let out a victory laugh.

He grabbed my arm and leaded me to the person who bought me. I'm someone's now in the most terrible way possible. What will they do? Kill me? No they spent money on me.

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