Chapter 31 - Escape Route

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Leila's pov -

"Who gave you this Baby doll" he said raspy and I just stared at him like a deep caught in headlights

"Baby doll I'm asking you something" his eyes held anger. He held the medicine bottle really tight.

Don't say it. Don't be a tattletale.

Erick give the bottle. But who gave it to him? What's going on. I won't confirm anything if I'm not sure...

Say it and he will slap you for letting a man talk to you...

My body shivered at that those words. I don't want a bruise today. I feel pretty weak. I gulp.

My mothers words came into mind, 'Stay quiet if you ever get touched, hurt, or even r-ped. It's normal for girls. But if you tell your husband they will kill you for being a whore. Don't ruin our reputation and image!'

I will stay quiet as mama said. I've been warned many times. I'm tired. Very tired of making mistakes.

I stared at him deeply but he gets up and walked into the bathroom slamming the door shut behind him hard. I jumped in my spot. I triggered him didn't I?

You're officially done


I don't wanna trigger him because I don't want his large rough hands printed on my cheek. One slap from him could take me out for sure.

"Leila I'm asking something"

His voice makes me shake. I take deep breaths and gulp. He said my name. He really is mad. "Can you g-go..please" I said looking down.

He sighs and rubbed his temple and looked at the bottle again and opened it. He smelled the pills and his noise scrunched up in disgust.

"Fucking poison" he muttered seething and my eyes widen. 'Poison?' Someone tried to poison me? Why..

I really need to get out of here

"Love, im coming stay here. If you move your ass im going to—" before he can say anything I cover my eyes and closed my eyes. "Just le-leave! G-go!" I said with tears threatening to fall.

I don't wanna here his harami words too.

After a few seconds I open my eyes to see no one. Okay he left. I close my eyes and take deep breaths. It would of been better if someone poisoned me.

I shake my head denying what I just thought. No no I didn't mean that..I think.


I head to the door and opened it, I need to get out of him here before I cause more trouble here. I walked out the room and see Erick coming up the stairs.

I speed walk to him and cross my hand over my chest. "Who gave you that medicine..?" I said raising a eyebrow.

"Damien's friend...very close friend.." he said looking at me blankly almost deadly. I step back and cleared my throat.

"Xander?" I said trying to sound confident and fiddled with my scarf ends.

He just simply shakes his head but his eyes wondered to my neck. "How's your neck" he said in a the same dead tone making me want to go away now.

"My neck?" I said now rubbing my neck that's kinda on display. My scarf is around my neck but slightly lowered so my neck is showing.

"Yes. " he said bringing his hands up to reach my neck the looks of it but a voice made him drop his hands to the side.

"Leila?" I look over and see a very pale looking ondina. It feels like a week since I've seen her. Where have she been.

Her eyes were puffy and red. She looked at eriekx and her eyes go into fear immediately. She takes a step back and cleared her throat.

"C-come here leila..l-let's go" she said with a shaky tone still staring at him. I immediately went to her concern at her state. She had tears at the brim while staring at him.

Her fists were clenched and it were shaking, I frown and touch her hands and she looked at me.

She looked ruined. She looked broken.
She looked like she didn't sleep in days.

"Ondina..are you okay? What happened" I said with a shaky tone very worried for her. She looked at me as tears fall to her pale cheek.

"Don't g-go near him.." she said in a breathy tone and pulled me somewhere.

Don't go near him? Why?

"Ondina what happened to you. W-where are we going.." I said while filling her. She's never acted like this. I have never seen her cry or look so frighten and broken.

I met her recently and I know she is a fun joy person. Very wild but this..this is new.

"Ondina answer—" I was cut off. "Leila please...shh" she said wild wiping her tears with her other free hand and ran into the elevator.

"Ondian..what's going on? Why are you crying?" I said frowning. I'm worried. Seeing others cry make me cry.

"I-I'm going to g-get you out of here.." she said while holding my hands and rubbing them softly with her shaky ones.

Get me out of here?

"O-Ondina what do you m-mean.." I said swallowing the lump in my throat and backing away from her making me sweat my hands off her grip.

"I'm helping you leave this place" she said placing a hand on her tummy and the other hand trying to reach to me.

Do I want to go. I wanted this. Do I? Why is she acting like this..So suddenly..?

Go to family. Die or die you ugly whore.

Go home. It's normal there.

Miss me?

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