Chapter 25 - Shes Gone

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Damien pov-

"Sir your jet is here" Xander said I nodded and someone takes my luggages and loaded them in.

I get in the steps and walk up the steps to the door. I see two air hostesses on each side bowing with smile but we're clearly scared.

I put in my sunglasses and entered my jet. Once I'm in I take a seat in a one of seat. I let a huge sigh release. I'm going home.

My Home is my baby doll.

I feel too excited to see her. I just wanna lay in bed with her. Smell her beautiful scent. Fuck I need to control myself.

Xander comes and sits across from me with a stupid smile smacked on his fucking face. I roll my eyes and look through the window as we took off.

"Dude your whipped. I know you're thinking of your baby doll" he said smiling but I didn't find it any entertaining. I clench my fists and stood up.

I grabbed his collar of his shirt and lifted him off the seat and hand my other hand really in fists to fight.

"Don't ever call her that. I'm fucking warning you" I said angrily at his face.

He put his hands up in surrender and had a smug face but did show a little fear. I dropped him to the seat and sat in my seat.

This fucker has a damn death wish.

"Whipped.." he mumbled and I shot him a cold look. And he gets up to go to one of the rooms to sleep. I haven't slept for a week. But I know when I see my baby doll and lay with her. I will fall asleep.

She's my medicine.

But I know she won't let me near her. I miss her so much but I doubt she even thought of me. My heart pains at the thought of that.

I look out the window and zoned out.

My calm era was broken by Xander shouting a loud. 'HOW??' I let a sigh release. What did the fuckers do now.

Can't I take a break from their shitty work. I groaned and looked back at the window.
I hear the door open and see Xander with a pale expression on.

"What" I said looking away and looked back at the window with a stern expression.

"N-nothing" he said and sat in another seat fidgeting. I rubbed my temple and ignored him. If he won't tell me then it ain't important.

After a few hours we landed and we get off. I get to my limo and sigh heavily and looking out the window as the driver drove.

"Could you hurry please" Xander said with a scared expression. Something i rarely see. I looked at him coldly.

"Why" I said mad because he's acting up and not telling me what's wrong. He looked at me with the same sacred expression and fixed himself in his seat and faced me.

"U-uh" he couldn't even finish. I rolled my eyes and looked away. I ignored him as he kept moving around. What the fuck is wrong with him. Does he have worms in his fucking dick.

A after a hour were by the mansion. It was night already. I get out the car and see Amaris come out and bow with the other maids.

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