Chapter 24 - Trauma

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Damien's pov-

"Uh—I'm Adam" the man said with the accent. I frown and roll my eyes.

"Adam the fuck who?" I said coldly and hear shuffling around. I sigh and rub my temple. I'm wasting my time right now.

Who the fuck is this man. Does he work with renzo? Im debating if I wanna track him down and kill this man for disturbing me. I swear if he says wrong number I'm killing him.

"I am Adam" he said once again and I clench my fists and smash it to the table. He's fucking testing my temper.

"I DONT GIVE TWO FUCKING FUCKS!! WHY DID YOU CALL!" I yell and it went silent. The baster was scared.

"Da ma sok ta call oko. Som lewane de. Allah."
The man says in another language and i furrow my eye brows and just cut the call and curse. The baster called did have the wrong number.

((Translation: who did I call. He's crazy. Ya allah))

Why should I care about a fucking man named Adam. "Who was it?" I see Xander say and I shake my head mad.

"Track this number" I say sternly and he nods. Maybe it could be part of renzos team. But that language was not Italian nor Russian. I've never heard this language.

Did he fake it? Fucking fuck.

After some time of thinking i heard Xander come back inside and cleared his throat, I look up coldly.

"Well..his name is Adam. And he's a village man. That's all it says. He lives somewhere poor. Other then that I can't find anything else. Usually poor people in poor countries don't have a full background" Xander says laying the file on my desk and I take another look at it.

"Hm" I said thinking. He definitely got the wrong number. "Alright. Let's get back to work" I said sternly and get back to my computer.

"Did you make sure the orphanage got the stocks of food" I said coldly and kept typing. Xander responds and say next to me.

"Yes. The kids also got the toys. They were happy" I nod at his respond.

"How much do you wanna donate?" Xander said and I sigh and closed my eyes rubbing my temple. I feel so stressed with All this renzo shit.

"9m" I said and laid my head back.

"Should I go send it now?" He said getting up and I nod. When he left I took out my phone and opened it. I clicked photos and stared at her picture.


I miss her so fucking much. I get some kind weird feeling in my stomach whenever I think of moments with her or just her.


Leila's pov -

I let out a tired sigh. I feel so exhausted. Its Thursday. Almost another week done. I laid on my bed for a few more seconds and then stood up.

I walk to the door but flinch when a loud pain hits my neck. My breathing picks up and I held the back of my neck. It's coming from the back side.

I close my eyes and start to cry softly. What is this new pain. Why can't my body just shut up for once.

Ya allah please get me away from all this body pain.

20 minutes passed and I slowly get up and fix my scarf. I get out the room and get down to Ondina and Amaris. I froze as I see so many maids.

Yes there usually are maids but there are over 100 right now. I go to the kitchen and see a bunch of chefs cookings. I hear one of the chefs cooking to what the ingredients are.

So much noise. I put my palms on my ear and walk away from the kitchen. I have a fear of loud noises. I had trauma when I was little.

Pakistan, my village was getting bombed. So many gun shots and screams. It scared me. I was only 5. I remember my mom smacking me because I kept crying.

I hid under the bed and slept there for weeks because of how scared I was. I remember clearly. I was young but It sticks to your mind. A trauma developed. You're not born with it.

I sat on the stair steps with my head down. I flinch when someone hugged me suddenly. I look up revealed to see Ondina.

"Hi.." I said smiling and she smiled back happy. "Hi!!" I needed to ask her. "What's going on?" I say tilting my confused.

"Important gusts from the kings work are coming" she said smiling.

Does that mean he's coming too? He's coming back home?

"Is he coming" I said looking down with a frown. He's never home. He can marry his work instead. Like I cared about him either way.

I hear her burst into laughter. "Aww does the wifey miss her husband?" My eyes widen at her response, how are she.

"No!!" I yelled and ran upstairs on the stairs and I hear her laughing still. I feel like I'm burning up. No way.

I don't like him.

I arrived at the top and went down the hall and turned a corner but I see Erick approaching me.

I stop and look at him. Why does he keep coming to me. Creepy.

"Hey queen" he said looking down and I follow his stare to see my hijab a bit loose showing my neck. I cover it and backed away slowly.

"Hi...I have to go.." I mumbled and turn to go but he held my waist tight. I gasp and furrow my eye brows.

"L-LET GO!" I said with a shaky breath and he immediately let go and back away. I held my wrist rubbing it. That hurts badly.

"Sorry. Have you ever been to Russia?" He said randomly making me furrow my eye brows and shake my head.

He smirks and nods. "Want me to show you Russia?" I shake my head and began to walk faster away from him but I hear a click.


I turn around and see him put a phone in his packet and run away.

"D-did h— he take a picture of m-me?" I said with with breaths. Ain't no way. I'm a married women..what if he posts that to the social media and my family sees it.

Your family is going to hit you again. You slut





I held my head tight. A strong headache hits my head. I feel so weak. The voice in My head is saying things I wish I unheard.

I feel my legs giving up. I feel my surroundings go dark.

I feel myself falling to the floor as my eyes shut.

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