Chapter 43 - Hot Kiss

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Again sorry for such a late post. I never do this 😭

Leila's pov -

I froze at his deep rough voice near my ear. I gulped and didn't dare to move.

What am I doing?

Seriously what are you doing??

I felt beaten down again. Is this wrong? Am I showing too much affection? My face was smushed against his chest.

I slowly back my head away and looked at him. I chewed on my lower lip because it's a habit when I'm nervous.

"Fine I'll leave.." I said and slowly getting up waiting for him to pull me back in and say no.

But what surprised me is he didn't even move from his position. "Mhm" he said closing his eyes.

"I'm leaving—!!" I said getting up from the bed looking at him with slight anger. What if I was dying!! He'd let me just go!!

"I prefer to sleep alone" he said and turned his back to me. Leaving me mouth dropped. I didn't even know how to feel about this.

Why does my heart feel like it's broken? Am I dying? "Fine!" I said louder and turned to leave but sneaked a peek to look at him and nope he still didn't look.

It kinda hurt.

It shouldn't

Yeah..I shouldn't..but it pains. Can I just be human for a second and feel some emotions too.

I flinch and cover my ears when the thunder outside rang through my ears. I whimpered and looked at Damien. I stomped my feet and glared at his perfect body sleeping so peacefully on the bed.


Like I care anyways...I'm just saying.


I stomp my feet.

He doesn't wanna sleep with you! He likes to sleep without you!

I mean he did say he didn't— he said he liked to sleep alone so I should just deal with this. Mama always said I'm dramatic when it comes to being scared of loud sounds. Maybe she's right. I can get used to it.


Just be normal.

No— I am normal.

No you're not

Anger tears filled my eyes. "Im normal" i whispered to the voice.

I snapped out of it when I hear rustling on the bed. I turn around and see Damien so comfortable in his blanket.

Another loud boom made me jump. I gasped and covered my ears.  A very loud ringing ran through my ears. I held my head slowly and tried to snap out of it.

The loud ringing calmed down. I looked over and Damien didn't move. "D-dami-" I said in a cracked voice from crying.

I literally am scared right now. No matter how much I try to be normal I still feel scared.

But Damien— he for some reason makes me safe. Makes me feel safe.

Impossible right? Well I don't even know.

I see him remove the blanket from his body and gets up. He walked over to me. His tall and buff structure approached me.

I stared up At him as he came closer. His eyebrows were furrowed together in confusion, he didn't look too pleased.

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