Chapter 32 - Escaped

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Leila's pov -

The elevator door dings and I look over and see a dim lighted place. It's so huge. A whole store can fit down here.

"This is the basement— there's a door..I have the keys to..I stole it." She said with a shaky tone. "Why are you acting like this ondina you're scaring me." I said sternly and backed away confused at her actions.

She simply closed her eyes and shakes her head as tears spill out. "Listen t-to me please. I have a reason and I'm not supposed to tell you—" I cut her off immediately.

"What? What secret. Why can't I know.." I said. She looked at me and broke down again.

"Oh gosh leila! Please listen to me and leave this place I'm helping you go home why won't you go!" She yelled and I stood there like a statue.

She grabbed my hand and started running towards something. I just dumbly obeyed. I should go home..right..

Yes of course.


I tripped suddenly and my head hit the floor pretty hard. Tears formed, I stood up again and Ondina grabbed my wrist again and ran again the same direction.

"O-Ondina slow down. I-I—" I stopped talking because it was simply useless. I felt liquid dripping down my face. I ignored it suddenly she stopped.

She gets something out from her pockets with shaky hands and I look over at the door and she puts the keys in. I hear a click. My heart is beating rapidly.

I didn't even get to say anything when Ondina pulled me and pushed me out. I looked at her, then I looked around and don't recognize anything here. His place is literally a whole maze!

Ondian gets out then and held my hand and ran towards the huge fence surrounding the house. I gulp and she called one of the bodyguards.

Oh no. The bodyguard then pressed something on her phone and the gate went underground. "Hurry before king comes back or anyone else notices!!" He said helping us and I rush out but Ondian didn't.

"Listen, Mike will help you. He's trusted. He's a friend of mine.. he will guide you towards the woods. Good luck..I'll miss you.." she said with tears flowing down and the gates lifted again. The barrier between us.

Tears flow down my cheeks too. I couldn't speak I just waved at her. "Let's go queen!" He said holding a hand out for me to hold but I hesitated. No I shouldn't.

"Hurry ma'am!" He said shaking his hand for me to hold. Allah please forgive me. I held it and he helps me run towards the woods. I look back and see Ondian looking at us still.

Should I even trust this random bodyguard. Why does he want to help me. Where are we even heading. I couldn't even get a hold of what's around me. We just kept running.

About 20 minutes later I kept falling and stopped many times. I was tried of running. Mike asked to carry me but I denied.

Right when we jump over a huge log and he helped me. I look ahead and hear cars. A road?

We're close to a road! He tighten his hold on my hand and rushed against me I see a road and across I see a small building. The signs led lights were broken but you could still read what it says. 'Motel'

"I can't go further from here. But stay here till I come back. I will be back with a friend of mine who has helicopter. I can't use the kings helicopters or jets. He'll know. Stay here go inside till I come back." He said while walking backwards and turned around and ran towards the woods again.

My breathing was uneasy. Was it the running or something else. I look back at the motel. I slowly head towards the doors and opened it.

It looked old. Really old. It's also pretty small. The lights are dim. I see a man behind a desk smoking. He looked at me and immediately stood up and smiled at me showing me his slightly yellow teeth.

I cringed and approached the desk. "I need a room" I said looking at him directly in the eye. Trying to act confident so he doesn't take advantage of me.

Since I'm basically alone right now.

"Yeah? Alright." He said using a nasty voice with a terrible breath. I nod and he gives me the keys and I take it but he purposely glided his hand with mine making me gasp and glare at him.

But truly inside I was scared.

How disgusting..

I went up the stairs and look at the keys and see a number on it. '11'

I arrived at the top and looked at the top numbers. Some of the numbers were ruined or some doors didn't even have numbers. The paint on the wall is also half off and half on.

I arrived at the door. I used the key to unlock it but it was already unlocked. I gulp and went in and can smell weed.

I put my hand over my nose. It smells terrible here. The bed is also pretty messy. No way am I sitting on the bed. I used the ends of my scarf to cover my nose. When will mike be here.

I sit on a chair that looked okay. Nothing is more scarier than seeing bugs. Yup.

I fidget with my hands. When will mike come. How will I know when he's here.


Damien's pov -

I walked into the dining room and sat down to eat. I let a sigh release. There was so much food.

I get the wine bottle and opened it. I then poured some into the wine glass. I sip and look at Amaris as she looked down. The entire day was stressful.

"Get my wife" I said with no emotion and looked down at the red wine. "And take the wine away" I said with no emotion again.

I don't want my doll seeing the wine or alcohol because it's against her religion.

Amaris came and took the wine and alcohol bottles away and bows. She then headed out. Today I went on a little hunt to find who gave my doll those pills.

One pill could of killed her right there and then. Fucking Moran! I have a few people in custody. Messing with the wrong person.

I can't control myself with her. I sat there calmly waiting for my dear wife to come. Why the fuck is it taking this much time.

I look over and see Amaris with a frighten expression, her eyes show fear. Her face is pale, she's sweating.

"What!" I said roughly noticing she came without my doll.

"S-sir she's not here.."

"What the fuck do you mean she isn't here!" I yell getting up and approached her.

"S-she's not in her room or anywhere.." she said playing with her fingers...


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