Chapter 36 - Good Girl

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Leila's pov -

I open my eyes and slowly lifted my head to look at him. My lips quivered. I tried to hold it in but I couldn't.

"Good girl" he said softly rubbing my cheek. My stomach erupted with butterflies. I've never felt like this my entire life.

He stared at me, he slowly leans in. Why is he leaning in? He tilted his head slightly and looked at my lips.

No no. He's trying to kiss me. I immediately pushed him by his shoulders and he looked at me with a soft hurt expression. But he covered it up with emotionless expression.

Did I hurt his feelings..I didn't mean for that. I just can't...this is not what mama told me will happen.

"I a-am n-not— I-I don't have a e-eating
D-disorder." I said looking down again.

Just in time the someone knocked on the door. Damien gets up and walked to the door and opened it.

He takes something and closes the door again. I see him holding a tray of food. My heart dropped. I crawl back on the bed.

He sits down on the bed. He placed the tray next to him. "Baby come here" he said spreading his legs a little.

I shake my head. "No way!!!" I yell and he sighed. He rubbed his temple. "I wasn't asking" he said sternly.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me near him. Then he lifted me by his waist and placed me on his lap.

I tried to get off but he tighten his arms around me. "Keep moving and I'll kiss you" he said in my ear. I froze and stop moving.

I huff and poured. "Pervert.." I said under my breath and he ignored it. I look away for a couple of seconds. His other hand resting on my thighs was moved. I look over and he has a spoon pull of rice and chicken.

My hearts jumping everywhere.

Don't eat it

You'll be fat.

All that effort? To waste.

But what if I take just one bite.

No. You can go longer.

I look at Damien. "I'm n-not hungry" I said and he stared at me with a blank expression.

"I didn't ask you. Now eat" he said pushing the spoon towards my lips and I shake my head. All that hard work I did to come so far! And it's going to be to waste!


"Doll be my good girl and eat. I know you're hungry" he said softer.

"N-no" I said looking away and rested my head on his chest and hold his shirt in a tight grip.

"I don't wanna get mad" he said in his deep voice. I felt my hands shaking.

"Leila open your damn mouth" he said sternly and took my head out his chest. I got scared at his sudden change, so I forcefully took the spoon full of rice and some chicken.

I cried while eating.

"Good" he praises making a red blush come painted on my cheeks.

He took another spoon full of food and held it to my mouth. I shake my head and look away.

"Why won't you eat?" He said putting the spoon down.

I look at him and back down.

"Answer me doll, I'm trying to be calm as I can. I have a bad temper but I'm controlling it for you. Now my love, tell" He said wiping a tear drop off my cheek.

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