Chapter 16 - You're safe

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Damien's pov -

I look over the files aggressively. Bullshit! This doesn't even give any information about where he attacked!

Fucking fuck! I'm sitting in this stupid office trying to see where he attacked this time. I look over to my secret cameras in each country.

I already checked half of them. I look back at the file and go to the next country. Russia.

I open the cameras and start to look around in it and hack into the devices.

Then I see two dead bodies. Fuck. I zoom in and before I can see who the bodies are I was interrupted by the door.

One of my Guards barged in. How dare they.

"Don't you know how to fucking knock!!! Fuck head!" I scream at him and stand up from my chair slamming my hand on the table.

"S-sir! T-the alarm f-for the new dog training went on..." he said nervously.
They wanna fucking die. There's a killer dog in there.

I'm planing on training the dog with the other guard dogs. I made a sign for that door so no one goes in. I have to get a lock for that door but the alarm was enough.

I get up and groan. "Is it Liam again!! Cause I swear to fucking god I'm leaving him in there with the dog!" I yelled annoyed by this situation. This happens two times! Now the third!

The other two times it was Liam. But what surprised me was he shook his head. Who is it then.  Who do I have to save now. The fucking butler?

"L-Liam's g-guarding..." I clench my jaw and get up. I close my office door and go to the elevator. I clicked down.

Once I reached down I get out and head to the door. I get out the mansion and walk to the other mansions door slowly. I made a mini zoo in there for my baby doll.

All trained for my doll doesn't get a scratch. Well except the fact that the new guard dog is in the same place but in a room.

I wanna get this guard dog all trained and then I want to show my baby doll this place. I went towards the door. I see one of my other guards that supposed to be guarding the other mansion.

"What are you doing here!" I yelled and he cleared his throat and looked anywhere but me.

"Q-queen is in there at t-the zoo.." my eyes widen at his respond. What the fuck did I hear just now. "WHO LET HER IN THERE!!" I yelled at him clenching my fists.

"S-s-she said y-you d-did—" I cut him off with a punch.

"FUCKINH IDIOT! IF SHES HURT EVEN A LITTLE IM KILLING YOU!" I yell and run inside and go to the elevator. I clicked the floor fast and it started going.

My hearts beating super fast. Once the doors open I hear screaming and crying.
I get out immediately and see my baby doll on the floor crying as the dog is on top of her.

I can feel myself seeing red.

"BABY DOLL!!!" I yell and run to her. I grab the dog and pulled it off her but it tried to attack again. I didn't let the fucker near her. I punched the dog and it tried attacking her once again.

I held it by the throat and held its body with my leg. I hear my baby doll sobbing and screaming.

The dog calmed down as I held it tighter.
I'm stupid for this. She got hurt because of my stupid act.

I grab the dog and threw it to the room. It tried to run to the door again but I closed the door. I'm dealing with the fucker later.

I turn around and run to my wife. "Baby doll!" She immediately held my shirt with her small bloody shaky hands.

I pick her up and wrapped her legs around my waist  and her arms immediately went around my neck.

She started crying more and held tight.
It broke me to see her like this. I so badly want to get my gun out and shoot the dog, guards and anyone who was involved in this.

No one messes with my queen.

"You're safe my love—" I didn't complete my sentence when the door was broken. I look behind me and see the dog has chewed a hole through the door.

My doll screamed and started moving around in my arms.

"D-DAMIEN L-L-LETS G-GO!!" She was mumbling things trying to make me go.
But the dog ran towards us and tried to grab her leg but I lifted her to my shoulder and she was sitting on my shoulder as I kicked the dog.

I grabbed the dog with one hand and threw it to the zoo and it fell. I hear rajah roaring and when I looked down I see rajah eating and biting the dog.

I'm still fucking coming back and shooting this dog. Rajah was roaring thought the whole scene.

I bring my baby doll into my arms again and she kept crying clenching onto me for her dear life. I started walking to the elevator.

I get in and pressed a button: the medical room. I have a mini hospital in this part of the mansion. I look down at her. She's shaking badly.

"Baby doll can you look at me?" I said softly as I can. But I know it came a bit rough. She shook her head and hid her face in my neck.

Once the elevators door open I immediately walk out walk fast and head to the clinic,
Once I arrived I open the glass door and immediately everyone bows.

I laid my doll on a hospital bed and she flinched. I placed my hand on her cheeks and cupped her small face.

"Baby doll don't worry this is going to help." I said softly and she started crying more and held my hand immediately.

"I'm here my love. You're safe. Just hold my hand and everything will be okay." I said softly to her and held her waist.

She screamed and backed away and I move my hand away and look at my hand and see blood. Fuck!!

"Fuck! Get the damn doctor!" I yell at the nurses who all flinch.

"I-it h-hurts Damien." She said crying holding my hand tighter. Her words hit my heart like a truck. I hate to see her like this.

"Don't worry my doll just close your eyes." I said softly and lay her head down on the bed pillow and she slowly closed her eyes as tears fell from her gorgeous eyes.

I wipe her tears and lean in. I kiss both of her eyes. If she wasn't in this state she would punch me.

The doctor came with some things. 

"We have to give her stitches" the doctor said playing with her fingers.

I look down at my doll and see she's awake again. Her eyes widen with fear again. She shakes her head crying.

I'm sorry my love.


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