Chapter 19 - Daddy?

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Damien's pov-

My hearts beating super fast. Why is she crying. I sped up the motorcycle and skipped all traffic lights.

She never calls me for anything. Did she get hurt? Why the fuck am I acting like this.

I arrived to the mansion and the gates immediately opened seeing me. I sped inside and sped all the way up the hill to the mansion.

I get off of the motorcycle immediately. I threw the helmet to the floor and run inside.

I run to the elevator and waited as it was bringing me up. Once the doors open I run inside and run to her door. I arrived at her door and barge in.

I see Ondina and Amaris comforting my love. I give them a signal to go and they now and left.

I approached her and bend down.

I'm sweating crazy.

"Baby doll..I'm here.." I said ever so softly which surprises me too. It came out a bit raspy though.

She looked at me with her big hazel eyes. They are filled with tears and her button nose is red.

My heart shattered seeing her like this. Who fucking did this. I will kill them like I did with anyone else.

"Who did this my love. " I said with a demanding mad voice. But softly for her.

"y-you!!" She said in a angry tone making me confused.

I did this?


Leila's pov

I sniff and look at him again. "You are
v-very mean!" I said while holding my sobs in.

Dramatic?? Yes. Worth it? Yes again. If I'm being held hostage here and forced to marry him, I would act this way.

He looked so confused and concerned. He tried to hold my hand but I pull away. He had a hurt expression but it changed to a emotionless one.

He didn't say anything like he knew what he did. He leaned back and stood properly and sighs.

"I c-can't believe you don't h-have any of m-my favorite snacks! It's all protein. You know how much that hurts me!! Did y-you know p-protein is bad and ice cream is way healthier. S-sprite too. So tell me why your fridge is trying to poison me!!!" I said hiccuping and wiping my tears.

He looked me with loving eyes that looked bright and happy again. He let out a deep laugh that always give me some kind of weird feeling inside.

Weird body things.

"Why are you laughing!!!! This is serious!
I-I am s-so sad right now and you—" I didn't complete my sentence when he came on top of me and pinned my hands on the bed.

He wasn't pressuring my body to hurt me. He had a distance but his face didn't. I gulp and start to move to get him off but he didn't even move a bit.

"PERVERT!!" I said yelling and he chuckled and leans into my neck. My breath hitched at the sudden movement:

"Baby doll I left a important meeting just for you to scold me about protein." He said in a dominant voice. I get goosebumps all over.

He was at a important meeting and I made a fuss for no reason. I'm so stupid. He must be so mad. Maybe ready to hit me. He will for sure hit me baldy. Maybe this the day I get...ra— no no my allah please prevent that.

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