Chapter 11 - Bishop's Gambit

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3rd Person POV - Sara

"But I just killed you." Sara states, staring at Bishop in front of her

"It's a delicious little mystery for you to turn over in that pretty little head, isn't it, Sara Lance?" Bishop tells her

"No, you're dead." Sara says

"You're not the only one who's flirted with death." Bishop tells her

"How?" Sara demands

"♪ You'll never guess in a billion years ♪" Bishop sings

"You're a clone." Sara realizes

"Okay, yes. You got it." Bishop tells her

"Just like the AVAs." Sara says

"No. No, not like the AVAs!" Bishop exclaims. "Different. There's only one of me. One at a time. We're all just coding, Sara. DNA can be mapped and cloned, and each and every data point in our brain can be mapped and cloned."

"You can recreate yourself, body and mind?" Sara asks

"The mind is just impulses, synapses, and memory." Bishop explains. "No different from any computer. Look, science has evolved quite a bit beyond your comprehension. You're like a caveman to me... or like a monkey. Or like a cave monkey."

"Imagine what you could've done if you used that knowledge for good instead of this." Sara tells him

"I am using it for good." Bishop says. "I am restarting the doomed human race, and you will see that eventually." He says and guards aim their weapons at Sara. "You will see it my way in time. ♪ And you've got nothing but time ♪ ♪ Because no one's coming to save you." He sings, leaving the room


Sara paces around her locked room, hands cuffed in front of her. Her gaze lands on a plant on the wall. "Are you spying on me?" She asks, looking closely to the camera. She grabs a piece of medical tape and tapes it over the camera. "There, finally alone." And then, the toilet sloshes. "What the..." Sara whispers, watching toilet water slosh everywhere

And then, a tentacle and a pair of glasses emerge from the toilet. Sara hands the glasses to the tentacle and the alien transforms into Gary

"I finally found you!" Gary exclaims, soaking wet and spitting out toilet water. "I searched through every sewage pipe in the facility!" He exclaims, rushing to give her a hug

"No, no, no." Sara stops him. "You were in the pipes?"

"Yeah." Gary tells her. "You ever seen an octopus squeeze through a hole? My body's like that. Necrians take great pride in our scrunching. Too bad you can't ride the pipes with me because I discovered where the fuel cells are kept. We could fly Kayla's ship out of here."

"Gary, get back in that toilet and get the fuel cell to the ship." Sara says. "I'll find my own way out. Can I count on you?"

"I'm your man. Alien man." Gary tells her, rushing back over to the toilet. He stops, turning to look at her. "Is Brooklyn here too?" He asks. Sara freezes and her eyes drop. Gary notices and his eyes widen. "Woah, what just happened? What's wrong?" He asks her

"Brooke's dead." Sara says, her voice breaking slightly

"What?" Gary breathes. " did she die?"

"I don't know." Sara says, burying her head in her hands. "Bishop said he found her body. Rotten."

"Did you see her body?" Gary asks

"No." Sara says, pulling her hands from her face and looking at him

"Then we can't presume anything." Gary tells her. "For all we know, Brooklyn Cooper is somewhere on this planet...we just need to find her."

Brooklyn Archer //Book Six// - Legends of Tomorrow - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now