Chapter 5: Brooke Week - The Infection and The Search

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3rd Person POV

= Alien Planet, Space =

Brooklyn is a logical thinker. She always has been. Every move she makes and every word she utters has all been calculated and spun through a web of probability and possibility. Everything that she has ever done has been calculated and thought through extensively, it is one of the reasons why she prides herself on her intellect. Long story short: Brooklyn's a genius

But right now, stumbling through this forest, Brooklyn cannot for the life of her come up with a good enough reason as to why she and Sara broke their sacred promise of never splitting up. Sure, Sara was infected and slowing them down, but Brooklyn would have never left an injured friend. Sure, there are people after her and she can't be caught...but Sara can't be caught either. So, why did Brooklyn so easily agree to leave Sara?

Another thing Brooklyn prided herself on? Her memory. Everyone on the Legends team at one point or another has made a comment about Brooklyn's impressive memory. Felicity was the one to figure it out, figure out and secretly test how good Brooklyn's memory was. Hell, over half of her training with Oliver was based on memory and memory combat. So, what was going on with her memory right now? Why was everything so foggy in her mind? And why can't she remember what number step she was taking?

Yet another thing that Brooklyn was good with: numbers. She used numbers in everything that she did. Figuring out how to escape from the boat that night was completely based on numbers and counting. The moment that Brooklyn split up from Sara, she began counting her steps, hoping that she would be able to retrace her steps once she found help or bring the team back all those steps with her. But right now, Brooklyn's mind was so foggy and she couldn't figure out what number step she was on, what direction she was running, or where she was heading

Brooklyn stumbles through the weird forest on the alien planet. She's not sure how long she's been running, but she knows it's been a while since she and Sara split up

The broken promise is all that Brooklyn has been running through her foggy mind, her thoughts almost slurred. Did she make the right choice? What if Sara dies where she left her? What if Brooklyn dies running across this alien planet? Was there even a way off this planet? Where was their team? Where is she?

And one question that rings louder than all: Is Maddie okay? But Brooklyn doesn't have long to ponder the question because she hears weapons going off in the distance. And with her mind distracted, Brooklyn stumbles to the ground... 


= Waverider, Earth = 

"Anything?" Behrad asks, walking into the parlor with Zari where Ava, Nate, and Jax are searching. Jax is watching the video over and over again, trying to find any clue as to where the girls were taken. But the video is way too quick. It's a split-second video where Brooklyn and Sara are taken into an alien spaceship. And then the video is over 

"There's nothing." Jax grumbles 

"There's nothing yet." Ava corrects, looking up from the screen she was working on to search satellites 

"No, there's nothing." Jax says, looking at Ava. "I don't know what we're doing right now. We should be getting in front of this." He tells her. "We should take the offense and get in front of this." 

"What do you think you're gonna do, huh?" Ava questions Jax. "Just fly into outer space and check every alien planet possible until you find Brooke? It's not plausible. We have to wait and come up with a plan."

"I can't wait!" Jax exclaims, standing up. "The love of my life is missing!" 

"The love of my life is missing too!" Ava exclaims back

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