Chapter 15 - This is Gus

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3rd Person POV

Brooklyn is walking down the hallway when she hears a voice yelling words in Russian. She walks into the library and sees Nate reading out of a textbook

"Sara wants us on the bridge." Brooklyn says, turning her head in confusion. "What...what are you doing?"

"Uh...learning Russian..." Nate says, looking from the textbook to Brooklyn. "Do I really sound that bad?"

"No, not at all." Brooklyn tells him. "It sounds fine. But...but why are you learning Russian?"

"I wanted to be able to communicate with Maddie." Nate says, looking at the toddler who was walking around the library

"Maddie speaks English too." Brooklyn reminds him

Nate sighs, standing from the desk and walking around to lean on the desk in front of Brooklyn. "Look, when you...disappeared...Maddie was incredibly upset." He tells her

"I know." Brooklyn says. "Jax told me."

"Did he also tell you that she reverted to Russian?" Nate asks to which Brooklyn shakes her head no. "Well, she did. She only spoke in Russian and none of us could understand her and because she was crying, not even Gideon could understand her. We would try to calm her down but...well, I got worried."

"About?" Brooklyn asks in a whisper

"That she wasn't understanding us." Nate says

"I'm sure she was." Brooklyn tells him

"You weren't there." Nate whispers. "And that was the problem. She wasn't speaking in English, wasn't calming down...I was worried that her ability to comprehend was being taken over by her distress. Nothing we said was helping her, nothing we did was helping her. The only thing that helped was when Jax came and started speaking Russian. That's the only time that I was able to see any type of comprehension."

"Wow..." Brooklyn whispers, tears in her eyes. "Oh my god..." She whispers, putting a hand to her chest and walking over to lean against the desk next to Nate. "That must have been so horrible."

"It was." Nate whispers, putting his arm around Brooklyn. "I want to be able to communicate with Maddie no matter the circumstance."

"That's...that's really sweet of you." Brooklyn says, locking eyes with him. "I'm glad she had you here...even if she couldn't understand you..."

"I'm glad I was here." Nate tells her. "And I'm glad you think my Russian is awful." He says with a small laugh. Brooklyn lets out a small laugh too. "It's nice to hear your voice again, especially your laugh." He tells her

"Life has been...a lot recently." Brooklyn tells him. "I love you." She tells him

"Love you too." Nate tells her, kissing the top of her head. "Come on, we should get to the bridge." He says, standing up. He chases after Maddie who laughs and squeals and then catches her, swooping her into the air

"I missed her laugh..." Brooklyn whispers, following after Nate who was whooshing Maddie through the hallway as if she was an airplane


"Okay!" Sara exclaims, seeing Nate, Maddie, and Brooklyn enter the room and the group is now almost complete. "Thanks to Kayla's pod tracker, we have a new advantage in preventing displaced aliens from screwing with the timeline."

"Gideon, can you please run a scan?" Ava asks

"Right away, Co-Captain Sharpe." Gideon says, pulling up the scan

"All right, well, I'm all in, cause mind-melding with that giant sandworm left me with a nasty migraine. But..." Spooner says. "I suped-up my pequeña amiga with a special surprise for the next space vermin."

Brooklyn Archer //Book Six// - Legends of Tomorrow - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now