Chapter 10 - The Satanist's Apprentice

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3rd Person POV - Sara

Sara gasps awake in a medical bed, restrained by her wrists. Her face and body were free of the purple veined infection. She pulls her arms, trying to break free

"Oh, no, no, don't struggle." An Ava Clone says, rushing over. "Your muscles need time to adjust."

"What is this stuff?" Sara asks, looking at the IV fluids connected to her

"Medicine to vitalize your organs." Ava Clone says. "The transition can be tough. Bishop saved your life."

"I don't want anything from him." Sara tells her. "Get me out of here."

"How's our patient this morning, Nurse Ava?" Bishop asks, walking in

"Pissed off and calculating the different ways she can kill you." Sara snarls

"Back to her old self." Ava Clone says

"Perfect." Bishop exclaims. "I've got the presentation all ready for her."

"Let me go." Sara demands

"But you haven't even seen the pitch yet." Bishop tells her. "A/V Ava worked on it for days. She'll be crushed if you don't give it even just a little peek." And with that, he claps his hands. The lights dim and a video plays. "Our planet was perfection." Bishop says as the video plays. "It had everything carbon-based life-forms needed to coexist in harmony with nature and each other, but humanity would not be satisfied. Human greed destroyed Earth and all who lived there. Everyone perished, except for one man... Me. As a pioneer in bio-engineering, the founder of A.V.A. Corp., and the designer-creator of the AVA clone, I alone have the knowledge and means to restart humanity in the stars! The problem with Earth wasn't its finite resources. The problem was man, which is why I am creating a new version of mankind, one with a body that can withstand the harsh conditions of our new home and with a spirit to adapt and thrive under any circumstance." The video stops and the lights turn on. Bishop looks to Sara for feedback

"That is a terrible plan." Sara deadpans. "You can't save humanity by creating a bunch of monster people like Amelia Earhart."

"No one gets it right out of the gate, okay?" Bishop snaps at her in his defense. "But I have perfected a process of enhancing human capabilities by adding extraterrestrial DNA. I just needed the raw materials to work with."

"That was what was in those other pods, and that's why you kidnapped me, to be raw material?" Sara asks. "Well, if that's the case, then here you go." She says and she spits in his direction. "There's your raw material. Now take me home."

"Eugh, don't sell yourself so short, sweet cheeks." Bishop tells her. "You're here to be my partner. These new humans need to be taught to have a fighter's spirit. That's where you come in, Sara Lance."

"You want me to teach your hybrids to be badasses, to be their trainer?" Sara scoffs

"Who better to imbue those qualities than you, the woman who can't be killed?" Bishop asks. "The woman who can't be killed."

And with that, Ava Clone wheels Sara's bed into another room. "There you go." Ava Clone tells Sara. "I know it's a lot to take in, sweetie."

"Don't call me that, ever." Sara growls

"Right, because of the bossy Ava you were attached to back on Earth?" Bishop asks

"She is not 'bossy Ava'." Sara says. "She's Ava, and she's human, and she has her own thoughts."

"Aww. You may believe that, but all Avas have affinities and weaknesses that I built into their genetic blueprint." Bishop tells her. "You found and fell in love with one of my greatest accomplishments. It's as though the universe knew to bring us together."

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