Chapter 21 - The Fungus Amongus

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Thank you all for reading Book SIX of Brooklyn Archer! Chapter 1 (along with the synopsis for Brooke Week) will be posted on FRIDAY MARCH 10, 2023!

3rd Person POV

"Guys, hurry up!" Mick yells as the timer beeps

The group runs out and then Gary shouts, "Egg!" And there's one on the floor. Mick rushes back into the room as the timer beeps rapidly

"Get back now!" Sara yells and the group follows. She throws her body over Brooklyn's who is sheltering Maddie. As the timer goes off, the device explodes and Mick is thrown into the wall by a fiery explosion

Sara rushes to close the door. "Mick, you okay?" She asks

"Charred. Nothing new." Mick answers

"At least this little guy's unharmed." Gary says, grabbing the egg gently from Mick

"Give me that." Kayla says, grabbing the egg from Gary. Sara helps Mick up off the ground as Maddie wiggles out of Brooklyn's hold. "You guys saved them. Why?" She asks

"Those are Mick's kids you're talking about." Sara says and Maddie taps on Sara's legs. Without pulling her eyes or the conversation away from Kayla, she picks Maddie up. "That makes them family."

"Look, I get why Bishop would break the ship, but why make such an elaborate prank out of it?" Ava asks

"He was stalling." Sara says

"And mission accomplished." Brooklyn says

"And now the bomb obliterated Gideon's mainframe, which means we are stranded." Gary says

"You're stranded. I still got my ship." Kayla says. A device beeps in her hands and she looks at th edevice. "That gyrating b*st*rd."

"Let me guess, Bishop stole your ship." Sara says

"I'm gonna kill him." Kayla growls

And then, there's a thud and the group gasps. A hand is on the window of the lab where the explosion had just taken place. Behrad is in there

"Oh, my God, B." Ava realizes

"Oh, hey, guys. What happened to my couch?" Behrad asks, looking at the blown up lab


"I knew something was up with John." Behrad says. "I shouldn't have gone home. I should've been here."

"What could you have done?" Ava asks him. "We were all fooled."

"I know a thing or two about addiction." Behrad says and then he shoots Brooklyn a look. Brooklyn gives him a small nod. "When we get John back on board, he's not leaving my sight." He promises

"It's too late, B." Zari says, walking in with Astra. "John is gone."

"Gone, what do you mean gone?" Sara asks. "Like he escaped?"

"He's dead." Zari says

"Oh, that's not possible." Gary stammers. "He... he's John Constantine. He can't be dead."

"How?" Ava asks

"He tried to control the Fountain of Imperium, which turns out is an ancient fungal network that's been keeping Earth safe from invasive aliens for eons." Astra says. "Bishop tricked John into poisoning himself to kill the Fountain, and I watched John die. He decomposed into the ground, and all that was left was this." She says, pulling a mushroom from her pocket

"Whoa. May I?" Behrad asks, grabbing the mushroom

"Wait a second." Sara says. "Where's Spooner?"

"Yeah, about that..." Astra whispers

Brooklyn Archer //Book Six// - Legends of Tomorrow - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now