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Delia's POVMy green eyes flitted around the bedroom as I silently said goodbye to the room that had belonged to me for the past 10 years

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Delia's POV
My green eyes flitted around the bedroom as I silently said goodbye to the room that had belonged to me for the past 10 years.

Delia's POVMy green eyes flitted around the bedroom as I silently said goodbye to the room that had belonged to me for the past 10 years

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I got the smaller room because Bella, my twin, argued that she needed a bigger room because she was the oldest. I was literally born five minutes before her.

But Renee, our mother, favored Bella so Bella got the bigger room.

I still to this day don't know why it was such a big deal, at age 7, that Bella and I not share a room

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I still to this day don't know why it was such a big deal, at age 7, that Bella and I not share a room. Most twins share a room til they're 12 depending on their genders. But for some reason Bella needed her own room so badly that we had to move houses.

I didn't understand it. Wasn't it fun to share a room with your sister? Wasn't awesome to be a twin? Didn't Bella love me?

I shook my head. No, of course she loved me. She's just going through some things right now.

I sighed as I grabbed my suitcases and walked out. I exited out low rent house that resided in a ritzy little neighborhood in Phoenix, Arizona. Today we were moving in with our dad in Forks, Washington. The coldest, and rainiest place in the US. I couldn't wait!

I wouldn't miss Arizona's heat. I wouldn't miss the sunshine. And as much as I hate to admit it..... I wouldn't miss my erratic hair brained mother.

Arizona never felt like home, and Renee never felt like my mother. Renee was childish and immature and selfish. She constantly stole and spent mine and Bella's money on things that we didn't need. Bella and I were left alone for days while she was dating. Since Bella and I were 11 years old we've been working, cleaning and cooking, and paying bills. It wasn't fair! We were kids! It wasn't our job to take care of an entire house by ourselves, and it wasn't our job to take care of our irresponsible mother!

Bella didn't have it as bad as I did, though. As Renee's favorite she got special treatment and attention. Bella got to go on her 'adventures' and travel while I held down the fort at home for weeks while they were gone. Bella got to skip school two to three times a week for girl's day and mother-daughter time.

My dad says that Renee's favoritism comes from the fact that Renee held Bella first when we were born, and he held me first. This made Bella a momma's girl, and me a daddy's girl.

I shrugged off my thoughts and approached my stepfather, Phil. I set my suitcases next to him as he loaded up the station wagon. I looked up to see Renee exit the house with her cellphone. She whined to Bella about it wasn't working again as Bella approached her from the desert that was in the backyard of our house. Bella was carrying a baby cactus in a clay pot with a small shovel. I watched as she helped Renee.

Bella suddenly looked up and sneered at me. I looked away and instead climbed into the car. I patiently waited for everyone else to get in.

When they finally did, Phil drove us to the airport. Bella listened to music on her cellphone while Renee and Phil talked up front. I sat and aimlessly watched as the sparkling windows of shops passed us by. I didn't have a cell phone because I was 'too young' for one according to Renee. Does everyone forget that Bella and I are twins? Or is it just Bella and Renee?

I shook my head and got out as soon as we got to the airport. I grabbed my luggage and bid Phil farewell. I didn't bother saying goodbye to Renee as she was too wrapped up in her long, and tearful goodbye to Bella. I went through security and boarded the plane.

I waited for Bella to get on as I read a fantasy novel. Bella was the last to get on and as soon as she sat down next to me she scowled at me. I ignored her and instead tried to take a nap since it would be a four hour flight.

My sleep was fitful as I dreamt the same dream that I've had for the passed 15 years. A clock tower and a castle with three red eyed men wearing cloaks with V shaped necklaces.

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