Chapter 06

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Delia's POV
I woke up hours later in the hospital dazed and confused.

"Delia! Are you alright sweetie?" Dad appeared by my side "Dad? What happ-?" I cut myself mid-sentence as memories flooded my brain. A blonde doctor with golden eyes like the Cullens appeared next to me and said "You were in an accident, but you're fine now" as he shined a light in my eyes making me flinch. "Sorry. I'm Dr. Cullen, you must be Delia Swan. It's nice to finally meet you, but I wish that it was under better circumstances" I gave him a weak smile "Me too, but don't worry, like you said I'm fine."

"Yeah all thanks to the Cullens" Bella piped up as she appeared next to dad who looked at her confused. Dr. Cullen stiffened which Bella and I both noticed "It was incredible how they got to her so fast and they were no where near her"
Bella said but I quickly corrected her "Bella what are you talking about? Violette walked over to check on me after you screamed at me in the parking lot" Bella glared at me.

I felt bad for throwing my twin under the bus, but my loyalty and protectiveness won over my dilemma.

"Why were you yelling at Delia?" Dad asked making Bella scowl and storm off. Dr. Cullen shot me a grateful look and I offered him a small smile "I'd like to keep you here overnight for observation, if that's alright" Dr. Cullen said. Dad nodded "Whatever you need to do, Doc" Dr. Cullen nodded before excusing himself.

Dad ran his fingers through my hair "Don't worry, everything is going to be fine. I'll call Renee and let her know that you're alright, then I'll drop Bella off at home and come back and set up camp on the couch" I immediately protested "Dad, no-" he waved me off "My little girl nearly died today and is in the hospital. The very least that I can do is make sure that she's taken care of, even if it means losing sleep because of a crappy couch" I chuckled before saying "Thanks dad" he nodded before leaning over and gently kissing my forehead.

He walked out and I laid back down on the bed. I briefly wondered if I should have told dad not to bother calling Renee, before I drifted off to sleep and dreamt of a clock tower.

3rd POV
With the Volturi

The kings were enraged when they found out that their mate had been in an accident and had gotten injured. The guards were furious as well.

Jane, who considered Aro to be her father, had been looking forward to meeting the queen who would become a possible mother to her. Alec was upset on behalf of his twin and father figure as well, though he was more nervous about meeting the queen as he didn't have the best history with women after his own mother left him to burn at the stake. Alec wasn't sure if he could handle anymore rejection or abandonment, but he wanted to give her a chance.

Despite his fears that she wouldn't be fond of him and his sister.

Demetri and Felix were eager to meet the queen as well. They were hoping that she'd be kind and bring out the more positive aspects of their masters. The vampire world saw them as tyrants and warlords, but they don't have the full story.

The kings took power from the Romanians centuries ago because despite them being the leaders of the vampires (because of a rumor that their head of coven was the first vampire) they didn't control their subjects. The human race was dropping like flies and people were being turned at an unprecedented rate.

Let's not get started on the immortal children epidemic.

It's was chaos and anarchy. After they came into power, and made the laws, their subjects started rumors about them. Aro's hunger for power made him collect those with gifts? 90% of the Volturi are gift less. Caius is the most vicious and sadistic vampire king? He has a temper sure, but he's the furthest thing from a sadist. Marcus is careless and let's the other two get away with everything? Ha! That one was laughable since Marcus was like an older brother to the two and often was the only one to keep them in line.

Jane and Alec, while they are powerful, they are also children. They were turned at the youngest age possible and had suffered a bad life before. They were traumatized victims not monsters!

And poor Chelsea and Corin are also members who get the brunt of the rumors as well. Chelsea supposedly had a 'gift to create bonds' that was entirely untrue because Chelsea had no gifts (Unless you consider being Heidi's best friend a gift 🤷). Corin could make people content but she rarely ever used it unless they had someone particularly unruly on trial.

Corin would much rather spend her days with her mate, Didyme.

Demetri and Felix were tired of these untrue rumors circulating around and hoped that the queen would put a stop to it.

The king's weren't much better. Caius had fled to his art studio and destroyed nearly everything, until he came to a stop in front of one of he sketch books.

Aro was on the phone with Carlisle firing off questions and demanded that he do special things to ensure her comfort while a receptionist stood in front of him shaking in fear

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Aro was on the phone with Carlisle firing off questions and demanded that he do special things to ensure her comfort while a receptionist stood in front of him shaking in fear.

Marcus was quiet as he sat on his throne. He suddenly stood up and said "We're going to Forks."

The Swan who became a QueenWhere stories live. Discover now