Author's Note

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Okay, so I originally thought of Phoebe Tonkin as Delia and Kristen Stewart as Bella but decided that Kristen needed a break from being Bella so I switched them out for Danielle Campbell (Delia) and Christie Burke (Bella).

If you prefer Phoebe and Kristen as Delia and Bella then you can pretend that they are.

Normal humans will see them as identical twins, but Supernatural beings (vampires, werewolves, and shifters) will see the separate actresses playing the characters because of their heightened senses. Sorry if that doesn't make sense 😓.

Also before reading!

There will be Bella Swan Bashing.

Edward is shipped with Violette Hale, and Jacob is with Iris Clearwater.

This is a Volturi king poly love story.

There will be attempted murder, attempted sexual assault and assault in this book.

If you don't like any of these things, please don't read. Thank you.

Stay safe and have a wonderful day my kings, queens and non-binary royalty 🥰

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