Chapter 11

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Delia's POV
I stayed in the hospital for another week before being released into Dr. Cullen's care.

Forks didn't really have a jail. Just a small prison cell within the police station for drunkards to sleep off the alcohol. The transfer to a Seattle prison would have to wait for Bella, since they were all full. So until further notice she was on house arrest at home with an ankle monitor and everything.

Dad didn't want me in the same house as her, so Dr. Cullen volunteered to house me until Bella got transferred.

Violette tried to cheer me up and make it seem like a sleepover. She packed up a bag of my clothes and hygiene products and set me up in her room while Dr. Cullen drove me to his house. He informed me that some of his old college friends had decided to visit for a little while.

When we arrived, there were people waiting for me. I recognized the Cullens, and Jane and Alec, but there were three men who I didn't know.

Carlisle helped me out, and Violette trotted over and hugged me "This is going to be so much fun! We'll do each other's nails, watch corny scary movies...." She continued on her ramble but my attention was diverted to the three gorgeous strangers.

The first had papery white skin and was tall, about 6'0 feet, with a lean and slightly lanky frame. He seemed to be in his mid to late 30s. He had wavy brown hair that fell to his shoulder blades with chocolate brown eyes. He had an angular face with a slight beard and radiated a calm and peaceful aura similar to Carlisle.

The second also had papery white skin, but was shorter, maybe 5'10 or 5'11 feet. He appeared to be in his late 20s or early 30s. He had straight raven hair that went down to his chin with honey brown eyes. He had a sharp and mischievous face that reminded me of a fox.

The third and last one was the shortest and youngest of the three. He was probably in his early 20s and stood at about 5'6 which was still taller than me. He had papery white skin like the others, but his hair was a platinum blonde that almost blended in with his skin. His eyes were violet and seemed to glitter like sapphires. He radiated a temper mental, but passionate aura.

All three were extremely attractive and were dangerous. They had the looks, the auras, and if their clothes were anything to go by then they were extremely wealthy.

These were men who could get whatever they wanted and if they asked me for anything I would gladly give it to them with no questions asked.

"Delia this is my friend Aro and his brothers Marcus and Caius. I'm sure that you've met Aro's children Jane and Alec" Carlisle said that I almost missed as I was gawking at the three godlike beings before me.

I snapped my head to Carlisle and said "Wait, Aro is Jane and Alec's dad?" I tried not to sound alarmed, but the thought of Aro being married with someone else hurt.

I don't know why but my emotions were everywhere and all I knew was that something inside me was acting possessive over the five before me. My instincts were screaming that these were my kids and my family, and the thought of them belonging to someone else nearly tore my heart apart.

Jane stepped forward and spoke up in a nervous tone "Yes, Aro took us in after our mother abandoned us" I swallowed and said "Oh...I'm sorry about that" I tried to hide my relief as I felt guilty for having such a feeling.

'They're innocent children, they deserve to have a loving maternal figure to guide them into adulthood' I thought before a nagging voice inside my head snapped and said 'They're mine! My children! No one can take them away from me! They belong to me!'

I felt embarrassed by my thoughts and thankfully Violette distracted me by saying "You can get to know them more at dinner. Let's go to my room!" She then dragged me off. I looked back to see Aro, Marcus, and Caius staring at me like I was an Angel which made me flush more.

Violette guided me up the stairs and into a room at the end of the hall where she practically threw me inside and bolted in and shut the door behind her. I looked around the beautiful room.

 I looked around the beautiful room

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It was simple, yet elegant. It had an open and airy feeling that was also cosy which matched Violette's personality to a T.

I turned around, only to be met with Violette's mischievous smile "So what did you think of my dad's friends?" I gulped at the question and wondered if I should tell her the truth or lie. I grew more nervous as she stepped closer and stared at me with a wicked look as if she already knew how I was feeling and wanted me to admit it out loud.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2022 ⏰

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