Chapter 09

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Delia's POV
I awoke a few hours later exhausted.

I rolled out of bed and groggily shuffled to the bathroom where I took a hot shower in an attempt to wake up. After I was done I walked back to my room and got dressed before going downstairs to cook breakfast.

 After I was done I walked back to my room and got dressed before going downstairs to cook breakfast

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I drank three cups of coffee and still didn't feel awake enough for today. I groaned and smacked my head on the kitchen table in a desperate attempt to wake myself up.

It failed.

Bella came stomping down the stairs "You finished my homework, right?" "Mm-hmm" I mumbled she then stomped away and loudly slammed the front door. She stomps everywhere and slams doors like a psycho, does no one see a problem with that?

Dad came down next "Morning sweethea— Delia? Are you okay?" "Mm-hmm" I mumbled again "Okay. I have a lead on the case so I'll be working late tonight. You and Bella just order a pizza, I left money in the front door table drawer" he then walked over and kissed my head "I love you, sweetheart" "Lub you too" I mumbled as he walked away.

I sighed and sat up walking over to the kitchen sink and splashing cold water on my face before making a to-go cup of coffee and heading out the door.

At school all my friends noticed something was off with me. I brushed them off and continued on my way.

I'm used to only getting a few hours of sleep, but lately Bella's been busier than usual and Forks has been giving us more homework to do, especially after my accident. It didn't pause or stop when I was in the hospital, Bella just dumped her homework on me and left. So only getting 2-3 hours of sleep for the past six weeks has been draining and I think it's going to hit me soon.

Jane and Alec were the most worried when the saw my sluggish form and the deep, dark bags underneath my eyes. They practically formed a wall to protect me from everyone else, especially since I kept stumbling on my own two feet like Bella.

I, unfortunately, did have to throw in the towel when we arrived in Mr. Volturi's class. I was sitting at my desk fighting sleep like Hercules with the hydra before Iphicles decided to help him. I eventually lost the battle and passed out on my desk.

Demetri's POV
I was busy writing this week's vocabulary on the board that I didn't notice both Jane and Alec raise their hands until...

"Mr. Volturi, can we go to the nurse's office?" Alec spoke up startling me. I turned around in confusion to ask why, until I saw her.

The queen had passed out on her desk. I knew something was off when she entered class. She wasn't her bright, sweet, and bubbly self she was just quiet.

I walked over and knelt near her "Delia? Dear, can you hear me?" I whispered softly, but she didn't make any sounds, just softly breathed. I reached out and placed my hand on her shoulder and felt that her temperature was higher than normal concerning me more.

I stood up and looked around the classroom to see the concerned students looking over at the queen that had stolen their hearts on day one. I then announced "Jane, Alec, and I will be taking Miss Swan to the nurse's office. While we're gone, Miss Stanley will be in charge, please work quietly and stay off your phones until I get back" I then turned to the queen once more and gently pulled her out of her seat and into my arms. Jane stood up and started gathering her things while Alec walked over and opened the door for us.

I walked briskly to the nurse's office being careful with the precious cargo in my arms. Jane and Alec kept up but had looks of genuine concern on their faces "Call Aro and Carlisle and inform them of this development" they nodded and whipped out their black phones and called them.

We made it to the nurse's station where Miss Fleur took Delia and laid her down on one of the three cots there and covered her with a blanket and placed a cool compress on her forehead "What's wrong with her?" Jane asked looking defeated as the queen laid there with flushed cheeks and parted lips as she panted in her sleep.

"If I had to guess, I'd say it's a stress fever. A lot of people get them from lack of sleep and constant stress" the nurse said giving the queen a pitying look "Will she be alright?" Jane asked once more. The nurse shrugged and said "Yes, but there's nothing more we can do except wait for the fever to break" Alec looked at her and asked "And if it doesn't?" The nurse looked nervous now and she said "She'll have to be hospitalized."

We all gravely exited the room to allow the nurse to call the queens father. I whipped out my phone and quickly called Aro. He picked up before the second ring and asked "Demetri? Is the queen alright?" I swallowed and said "There's been a development...."

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