Chapter 08

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Delia's POV
Jane and Alec had Mr. Volturi sign their slips before taking a seat next to me.

Class began with a pop quiz before we were given worksheets to write 'letters' to loved ones in French and use certain vocabulary. I sat quietly writing a letter to my husband in the war and told a romantic sob story while doodling little hearts and flowers childishly.

My childish doodling and over the top drama was interrupted when I realized that the teacher was hovering over me making me peer up at him "Um, Bonjour, monsieur?" He looked at me and smiled "Bonjour, mademoiselle. Puis-je vous demander pourquoi vous dessinez des fleurs ?" He asked (Hello, miss. May I ask why you're drawing flowers?).

I gulped and nervously chuckled but continued to follow the class rule on only speaking French.

"Je griffonne toujours sur les notes, les projets et à peu près chaque fois que ce papier est à portée de main. C'est une habitude. Je suis désolé, monsieur" I replied (I always doodle on note, projects, and just about any time that paper is in reach. It's a habit. I'm sorry, sir) he blinked and seemed surprised that I had no problem following the class rule to a T. He hummed before saying "Votre français, est très bon. Depuis combien de temps le prenez-vous ?" (Your French is very good. How long have you been taking it?).

I shrugged "En Arizona, ils nous ont demandé de suivre deux cours de langue. Donc, quand je suis entré en cinquième année, j'ai pris à la fois le français et l'espagnol. Quand je suis venu ici, je n'étais tenu de suivre qu'un seul cours, alors j'ai choisi le français puisque ma sœur a choisi l'espagnol." (In Arizona they required us to take two language classes. So when I entered fifth grade I took both French and Spanish. When I came here I was only required to take one class, so I chose French since my sister chose Spanish) he smiled and clapped at my ability to have a full conversation.

"Parfait ! Continuez votre bon travail !" (Perfect! Keep up the good work!) he then walked away and I noticed that Alec and Jane were staring at me. I scribbled two little notes and tossed them on their desks.

'Don't worry I'll tutor you in whatever you need :)'

It continued on like normal. At the end of the day I exchanged phone numbers with the twins and we set up a tutoring session for Sunday afternoon.

I went home and as I was doing my homework Bella barged in and tossed her backpack on my bed "I'm busy. Do my homework for me" then left. I sighed and groaned as I was already tired and doing her homework on top of mine would take until 2am. I sighed before sucking it up as I could already hear Renee's voice in my head yelling at me for allowing Bella to get an F on her report card.

It actually took until 3am to get everything done and after it was I set the bag outside and locked the door before simply passing out on the bed.

3rd POV
Since Felix couldn't go undercover he was placed on guard at the Swan residence.

His venom boiled at the sight he witnessed. The queen's sister wasn't 'busy' she just wanted free time to call her mother and someone named Jessica before having phone sex with two different guys. Despite this the sister managed to get to bed by 10 while the queen stayed up late to ensure that both of their homework was finished and now would only get three hours of sleep before having to get up for school.

This was unacceptable.

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