Chapter 07

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3rd POV
The Cullens were nervous about the Volturi's upcoming arrival.

Delia had been released from the hospital after confirming that she was fine, but they suspected that the accident itself was far from being an accident. Tyler's break fluid had been cut and a whole lot of others things in his car had been tampered with. Whether Delia was the real target or not remained to be unseen.

Currently Delia was sentenced to a week at home and during that week Violette and Angela would visit and drop off homework and keep Delia company. Delia needed all the comfort she could get from her friends as Bella's weird and borderline insane behavior was getting worst. Delia had started locking her door at night after catching Bella in her room with a pair of scissors in hand.

When the week was finally over, and Delia practically raced to get ready and get out of the house. Nearly leaving in her pajamas, her behavior concerned Charlie as he was unaware of what was going on when he wasn't around, but he needed to focus on the investigation with Tyler's van so Delia's peculiar behavior would have to wait.

 Nearly leaving in her pajamas, her behavior concerned Charlie as he was unaware of what was going on when he wasn't around, but he needed to focus on the investigation with Tyler's van so Delia's peculiar behavior would have to wait

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Delia's POV
I sighed as I exited my car and greeted Violette and Angela who were happily awaiting my arrival.

We greeted each other good morning before beginning to talk about light hearted things. Apparently while I was gone a Mrs. Buffay went out of town and got replaced by a man called Demetri Volturi. Many of the female population were already swooning over him as expected from our harpy-like small town women. Thankfully Angela and Violette remained sane, mainly because they already have genuine interest in someone else.

I then start pestering Angela about Ben only to get interrupted by Ms. Potts, the schools vice principal "Ms. Swan?" I turn my head in confusion and say "Yes....?" In a questioning tone and Ms. Potts clarifies by asking "Ms. Cordelia Swan" I nodded and said "Yeah, that's me" she nodded and said "I would like to speak with you in the front office right now" she said before spinning around on her heel and walking off.

I exchanged looks with my friends before opening my recording app on my phone and walking with my friends to follow her. Ms. Potts turns to see that my friends are with me and says "There's no need for you two to be here, I only need to speak with Cordelia. Go on to class" I frown and said "With all due respect ma'am I don't feel comfortable alone with you" Violette then added "Plus it would be inappropriate for Delia to be alone with you considering the investigation."

Ms. Potts jaw tightens as she says "What? Do you think that I'm going to ask you to tell your father to stop investigating?" I bluntly said "Yes" she seems surprised by my honesty and I continue "Considering the fact that you lied about the cameras working only for them to have been broken for the past 10 years and lying hiring someone to salt the parking lot which resulted in black ice forming and someone easily tampering with someone else's vehicle all which resulted in an accident that could've easily killed me and my fellow students as well as injure them"

"That would make you guilty of negligence, endangerment of minors— emphasizes on the plural— and an accomplice in an attempted murder investigation. That's a lot of heat and I don't feel comfortable alone with you, so my friends will be staying right here" I said with a deadpan look that flustered her. She regained some composure and scoffed before continuing to walk. We wordlessly followed along.

She guided us to her office where two dark brown hair and eyed 14 year olds were sitting patiently waiting. When we walked in their eyes instantly flitted to me, and I quickly realized that they were wearing colored contacts. Once more the thought of them having red eyes seemed more natural but I brushed off the thought.

"Cordelia, this is Jane and Alec Volturi, they're the new transfer students. You'll be their guide since you all three share the same schedule" Ms. Potts said still sounding displeased or ticked off with me. I ignored her and instead focused on children before me.

It was obvious that they were twins as they were the same age and looked very similar. They wore dark clothes and had brown hair, though Jane's was lighter than Alec's. Both had heart shaped faces with doe eyes and plump lips and button noses along with pale olive skin. It was almost like looking in a mirror and I felt an ache in my heart that demanded that I embrace them as if they were lost loved ones that finally came home.

I gave them a warm smile and said "It's nice to meet you two, please feel free to call me Delia" they both shyly smiled at me and nodded "It's nice to meet you too" Jane said

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I gave them a warm smile and said "It's nice to meet you two, please feel free to call me Delia" they both shyly smiled at me and nodded "It's nice to meet you too" Jane said.

Ms. Potts spoke up again "They're from Italy and their father is very wealthy, so treat them with the upmost respect. Unlike you do our staff" I gave her a look and said "Oh no. My impolite behavior is reserved just for you, sweetie" she scowled at me but before she could say anything I said to the twins "C'mon chicklens, Ms. Potts cheap perfume is starting to give me a headache" I then ushered them out.

I whipped out my phone and turned off the recording. The twins looked at me curiously and I said "Don't worry about it, darlings" I then turned to Angela and Violette "Let's get to class before we're late. We walked to our lockers and I showed Alec and Jane how to operate them before we headed to class.

The day went on with me fussing and fawning over the twins. I gave them so many pet names that my mouth began to taste like sugar cane from the amount of sweetness coming from it.

We finally went to French where I met the new teacher.....Demetri Volturi (no relation to Jane and Alec).

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