Chapter 10

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Delia's POV
I groaned as I once again woke up in the hospital.

I looked around and saw my dad and Bella arguing with Dr. Cullen present outside my room through the window. Dr. Cullen noticed that I was awake and excused himself to come to me "Good morning Delia, how are you feeling?" I looked around and mumbled "I'm fine, but what happened?" "That's what I would like to know" my dad called out.

I looked over and saw him standing like a stern mother look on his face paired with his hands on his hips while Bella peered around from behind him with her arms crossed and a nasty scowl on her face as she looked at me.

I averted my eyes and shrugged. Sensing my hesitation Dr. Cullen turned to my dad and Bella and said "May we have the room? I need to do a physical exam, and I believe that that Delia would appreciate the privacy" my dad reluctantly nodded and left with my sister trailing behind him. She glared at me with a look that said 'don't say a word!' As she left.

Dr. Cullen sat me up and proceeded to do a physical exam. I think he was waiting for me to talk first so I asked "How long was I out?" "Three straight days. Your father was extremely worried, everyone was in fact" he then gestured to the balloons, stuffed animals, and get well soon cards that littered my hospital room.

I picked up a stuffed Axolotl plushie and saw that it was from Violette as I told her that I found Axolotl's and Bearded Dragons adorable.

I picked up a stuffed Axolotl plushie and saw that it was from Violette as I told her that I found Axolotl's and Bearded Dragons adorable

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I hugged it and mumbled out "I'm sorry..." Dr. Cullen shook his head and said "You don't need to apologize. No one is mad at you...just tell us what happened" I remained silent debating whether or not I should tell him before ultimately deciding that it would be nice for someone to know what's been going on.

I tearfully explained how ever since we were little Renee expected me to do all the housework and pay the bills. I also had to do all of mine and Bella's school work and make sure that we both got good grades so we could go to good colleges and make her a lot of money. I cried as I told him about how I'd skip meals and sleep to keep my mother and twin happy, but lately I've been feeling like telling them no and to do it themselves.

"....does that make me a selfish person? I just want to make friends and have a normal life without having to worry about them.." I asked sniffling as I finished my explanation. Dr. Cullen had a sympathetic look on his face as he handed me a tissue and reached out and grasped my hand in his "Delia, you are anything but selfish for wanting that. Your physical and mental health should come before their needs, you're still a child and Bella and Renee shouldn't be depending on you like this."

I said in almost a whisper "Do you think I should tell my dad what's going on?" He said "That's probably a good idea. Would you like me to bring him in?" I nodded and he left.

My dad came in alone and sat down next to me and took my hand before asking "You wanna tell me what's going on, Dee?" I took a deep shaky breath bed telling my dad the truth. I told him everything as he sat there silently holding my hand and running his thumb across my knuckles. When I finished he had an unreadable expression, and I suddenly felt like crying again.

"You're not in trouble. You didn't do anything wrong. I wish that you had told me sooner so we could have done something to fix this, but I'm glad I know now" he said reassuringly before standing up. I looked up at him and asked "Dad? What are you doing?" He shook his head and said "Don't worry about it. I'll be back to take you home, okay?" I nodded and he walked out.

I sat on my bed and played with the Axolotl plush and the Bearded Dragon plush that apparently came from Angela.

I sat on my bed and played with the Axolotl plush and the Bearded Dragon plush that apparently came from Angela

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The door suddenly opened and I looked up to see Bella. I froze as my blood ran cold. The look on her face was....pure evil, almost insane.

I harshly swallowed and tried to subtly press the emergency call button on the bed without her noticing "Hey, Bella, what's—" I tried to casually say, but I was abruptly cut off when Bella ran full speed at me and jumped on top of me. She knocked me off the bed and my head smacked harshly on the ground. I was winded and my vision suddenly blurred from either the tears that welled up, or the possible concussion I just got.

Bella began wailing down on me and I tried to both shield myself and knock her off, but that was ineffective. She hurled insults and death threats at me as she continued her assault. I screamed for help as best as I could with my winded form attempting to gasp for air only for the little oxygen to be knocked out of me when Bella punched my ribs.

By some miracle, someone heard me and ripped Bella off of me. I saw a large black, slightly blurry figure standing over me and holding a struggling Bella in midair. I heard the sounds of my dad and Dr. Cullen rushing inside and to my aide "Delia?! Delia!" I heard before blacking out again.

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