Chapter 9

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After Iceman's funeral, they had training. Cyclone was in the front of the room. 

"There are new mission perimeters. Your time to target is now 4 minutes." 

"Won't we be giving enemy aircraft time to intercept?" Bob asked from in front of Eli. 

"Where's Captain Mitchell, sir?" Eli asked 

"Captain Mitchell is no longer be your instructor." Cyclone answered. Then as if out of nowhere, an active jet appeared on the training course. Eli had a feeling she knew who it was. That's when an all to familiar voice came over the radio, Maverick.

"Set time to target 2 minutes 15 seconds." Mav says 

"That's impossible." Eli said under breathe. Everyone watched Maverick fly through the course with amazing speed and precision. When he started the climb up the mountain, everyone was on the edge of their seat. Rooster shifted in his seat next to Eli. As Mav began the inverted dive, towards the target. Eli's leg started to bounce as she watched Mav begin to take the shot. Within seconds, Mav's missiles destroyed the target. 

"Holy shit!" Hangman yelled 

"I can't believe that just happened." Eli said to Rooster. Cyclone walked out of the room and slammed the door behind him, which then caused Eli to jump into the person behind her. Arms wrapped around her waist to keep her from falling. 

"You okay?" Bob asked her 

"Yeah, I'm okay." Eli replied


"Sorry, it just scared me." 

"Don't apologize. You can't control what scares you." Bob said, sweetly. Bob moved his arms from around Eli's waist to around her shoulder. Her arm went around his waist and started to talk to Phoenix when she caught Rooster glaring at Bob from afar. 

"Hey, can you guys give me a sec?" Eli said 

"Yeah, of course. I'll wait for you at the bar, okay?" Bob replied with a smile 

"Okay, I'll see you later." She placed a kiss on Bob's cheek and walked over to Rooster. 

"Hey, what's with you?" Eli asked her twin

"Nothing. You and Bob just seem really friendly with each other lately. Especially at Iceman's funeral" Rooster said 

"He was helping me through a tough time, okay?" 

"What tough time?" 

"Iceman's funeral. He helped me come to terms with him gone, okay? So suck it up." 

"Why did you need to come to terms with that?" Rooster said worry enlaced in his words. 

"I am going to tell you something that I haven't told you yet. But you have to promise that you won't get mad." He nodded before she proceeded 

"I knew about Iceman's cancer before everyone because I used to visit him to learn more about dad. And I realize that was something I should've told you but I didn't know how you would react to it. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you." Eli said afraid of what Rooster was going to say. 

"Okay." Which caused Eli to look at him with a weird look on her face. 

"I'm not mad. I just wish you told me but I'm glad Bob could help you when I couldn't." Rooster said. 

"Really! You are the best twin anyone could ask for!" She said with joy and hugs Rooster. 

"I'm gonna go change. I have a hot date waiting for me." She said with a smile 

"Ewww! Could you not do that while I'm standing right here." He said with disgust. She gave him the "grow up" look as she walked away to go and get changed to go see Bob. 

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