Chapter 10

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After Eli walked away from Rooster, She walked towards the parking lot where her bike was. She put her helmet on and hopped on her bike. As she rode back to her apartment she realized how much freedom she had on her bike. She pulled over to the side of the road to admire the sunset. She had always loved sunsets ever since she was old enough to go outside by herself and watch them. Once she took it all in she walked back to her bike and had to get to the bar so she could see Bob. She took out her phone to text Bob that she was on her way but what she didn't see was the car coming out of nowhere and straight for her. All she saw was the car headlights then everything went black. 

3 hours later 

Eli woke up to bright lights and someone's hand holding hers. She looked down to see who was holding her hand, but she had Bob on one side and her twin on the other. She moved in her bed which caused them both to wake up. Bob was the first to say something. 

"Hi." Bob said his face red and tear stained 

"Hi." Eli said with a smile 

"How are you feeling?" 

"I feel okay. How are you?" 

"I'm just glad your okay." Bob said and kissed her forehead. Rooster was next to say something. 

"Hey, you okay?" Rooster said 

"Yeah, I'm okay. Did they say when I could go home?" Eli said

"Eager to get out of here, huh?" 

"Yeah." She said with a giggle 

"They said once you woke up they would check up with you then you are free to go." Bob said 

"Well get them in here. I don't want to be stuck here forever." She said 

"Okay, I'll go get the doctor." Rooster said leaving the room. 

"So do I have any major injuries I should know about?" She asked 

"Nope, just a sprained ankle and wrist, some bruised ribs, and a concussion. But that's about it. You got lucky, you know? You could've had a so many more injuries." Bob said 

"Wow. I am lucky. Thank you for being here, bubba." She said with a slight blush rising in her cheeks. 

"Yeah of course, darling." His nickname for her caused an eruption of butterflies in her stomach. Bob leans in to kiss her lips but was interrupted by Rooster and the doctor coming in to check her. Once the doctor cleared her, She went into the bathroom to change into normal clothes. She walked out to Rooster and Bob whispering to each other but they didn't see her. To get their attention she cleared her throat and as soon as she did that they both broke apart and smiled at her. 

"Is everything okay?" Eli said 

"Yeah everything's okay." Bob said with a smile

"Okay, let's go home. Hospitals kind of freak me out." Rooster nods understanding what she was talking about. After she said that, they left the room and headed to the elevator. She stopped at an all to familiar room. It was the room Rooster and her mom was in when she died, when she stopped Rooster knew exactly what was going on. He let Bob go and comfort and coax her away from the doorway. Bob walked her back over to Rooster. She wrapped each of her arms around her twin and Bob as they walked towards the elevator and out of the hospital. 

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